he next morning, when Peter’s parents saw their son dead and the blood letters on the window, Peter’s mother got fainted and was taken to the hospital. Police was informed. Peter’s father, Mr. Edison, was a lawyer and bureaucrat. He had main role in spoiling Peter as he had always supported Peter in every illegal and wrong act. He was very angry at the murder of his son. He used his contacts to get the best officers of the British Police on this case.
Five of the best officers of Scotland Yard were sent for this investigation. First, Sergeant JOHN CLARK, a passionate young man fully devoted to his job. Second, Inspector SARA JONES, a beautiful young officer, caring and anxious about her looks. Third, Chief Inspector HARRY KARL, a humorous, kind hearted and brave officer. Fourth, Chief Superintendent, JENNIFER JAMES known as MADAM JJ, a strict officer and a mother of two kids. And the head of the team Chief Constable CHARLES LANE himself, a righteous, truthful and bold officer.
Police searched the whole house thoroughly but there were no signs of any intruder. Peter’s body was sent for post-mortem while the blood with which these words were written on the window, was sent to forensic department for DNA test. Meanwhile the Scotland Yard team met Edison and assured him to do their best to bring the murderer behind the bars very soon. Edison was still not satisfied with the team as they couldn’t find a single clue yet.


The next day, Mrs. Edison was discharged from hospital and was brought back to home. Charles called his team for a meeting in his office. In the meeting, he asked his team members to share their thoughts about the incident.
Madam JJ started, “It is wrong to assume anything before the autopsy report.”

Harry said in a lighter mood, “Maybe it’s a ghost”

Sara said innocently, “Sir the color of blood on the window matches my lipstick, so maybe the murderer is a girl. Oh, by the way, how’s my lipstick looking today?”

Charles sighed with disappointment.

“Oh yeah, you look fantastic, just like a blood drinking witch” Harry replied.

“You just shut your mouth before I break it” Sara said angrily.

Before Harry could reply, Charles shouted with frustration, “Both of you, Shut up!!! John, it’s your turn.”

“Sir, as there are no signs of an outsider, we can’t say yet that it is a murder. Maybe it’s a suicide case but as Madam JJ said we should wait for the post-mortem report to say anything.” John gave his opinion.

Charles summarized, “Let me conclude the discussion, there are three possibilities of this case…murder, suicide or as Harry said ghost involvement. I know it sounds funny but our initial investigations showed neither the signs of murder nor suicide, so I want each one of you to concentrate because this case, my friends, is not a simple one I think.”


Third day after Peter’s death, Scotland Yard had the autopsy report and was sitting in front of Peter’s family. Charles started, “This report says that death of Peter is due to myocardial infarction and there are no signs of any injury or bleeding on Peter’s body.”

Harry whispered to John, “So it’s not a suicide then, one down two to go.”

Mrs. Edison asked with pain, “Then how does my Peter die? What have you done in the last three days? My son is dead, is that a normal thing to you, officer?”

“Listen Mrs. Edison, I’m also a mother, I can feel your pain and anger but we are doing our best too. You just have to trust us.” Madam JJ consoled.

“If Peter didn’t get injured then whose blood was on the window?” Edison asked.

Sara suddenly spoke up, “Maybe it’s the lipstick….” Charles just gazed at her with anger then Sara said with a guilty smile, “Oh…sorry, I just have that one….”

Charles replied, “That is the main question in all of our minds”. While looking at Sara and Harry, he continued, “Almost all…, but to get the answer we have to wait for the DNA report of the blood sample. Till then we will continue our investigations and I am sorry to inform you all that we will bother you again and none of you is allowed to leave the city under any circumstances without my permission.”

Edison got harsh, “Are you saying that we killed Peter?”

Charles replied in a professional tone, “No Mr. Edison, I’m not but I also can’t say that you didn’t. There are no signs of an intruder yet and you and your wife were home that night. I hope you got my point. Come on everyone, we’re leaving.”

           Charles wore his glasses, turned his back towards Edison and started walking towards the door with his team. Edison was standing there in shock and saw the Scotland Yard team leaving…

         While going back in the car, Harry asked Charles, “Do you really think Edison can kill his own son?”

Charles counter-questioned, “Do you know who Mr. Edison actually is?”

“Y..Yeah he is a lawyer..” Harry replied hesitatingly.

John interrupted, “A notorious one”

“He won’t hesitate to do anything for money and his own interests even murder of his 
own son” Charles continued.

The next day, Charles sent Madam JJ and Harry to Edison’s house again for asking about Peter’s habits and interests. Peter’s brother, Sam and his sister, Anna were also home now. But Edison himself wasn’t available.

Madam JJ started questioning, “Can you tell us something else about Peter that might help us in the case? His hobbies? His daily routine? Anything?”

“He’s a nice boy, my Peter, he didn’t have any special hobbies, used to go to college in the morning then after coming back he used to spend most of his time in his room, studying of course. Sometimes he also used to go with his friends in the evening. But he was never involved in any bad habit, you know, such a nice boy!” Mrs. Edison replied.

Harry stood up and started walking around saying, “So Mrs. Edison, should we assume that consuming drugs is not a bad habit to you?” Peter’s mother and siblings were in a state of shock now. Harry continued, “Post-mortem report clearly shows that Peter had been using drugs for quite a long time. So now, which one of you is going to tell me about it? How long he had been taking drugs and from where did he get them? Sam, you’re his big brother, you must know something.”

“N..Noo…I have been living in a hostel for 3 years so I don’t really know anything about it.” Sam replied in fear. Harry looked towards Anna with same question in his eyes.

“Same is the case with me” Anna replied with no interest.

“Is Peter actually your real brother?” Harry questioned again. Both Sam and Anna looked Harry with surprise. Harry started laughing, “I’m just kidding, you two are really cute.” Sam and Anna gave a fake smile.

Madam JJ asked Mrs. Edison, “How long had he been using drugs?”

“It’s been a year now. I told Edison to stop him but he never gave attention.” Mrs. Edison replied.

“Do you know how did he get them?” Madam JJ questioned again.

Mrs. Edison started looking down and said, “I don’t have any idea about that.”

Harry suddenly said, “I think we should leave now and give these folks some more time to think about Peter and remember him.”

“We’ll see you again soon” Madam JJ said while leaving Edison’s house.


On the other hand, Charles had sent John to keep an eye on the movements of Edison and report in case of any suspicious activity. Charles called Sara in his office. Sara arrived a bit late and fully dressed for a party.

“Sorry sir, I was just having my manicure done. You know boys like beautiful hands…” Sara started as she entered the office.

Charles stood up from his chair and controlling his temper, asked her to sit down.
“Listen Sara, you’re the most beautiful girl in the Scotland Yard indeed” Charles started. Sara started smiling and setting her hair on hearing this. Charles continued, “But unfortunately Scotland Yard is not a modeling agency. We are here to help and serve the people and to make this country peaceful and beautiful, not ourselves. Your previous record is very outstanding, that’s why you are in this team. I don’t want you to ruin your record, so start focusing on the case, not on yourself. Otherwise I would have no reason to have you in this team anymore.”

Sara’s smile faded away and she replied sadly, “Don’t worry sir, I’ll show what I am capable of and you definitely won’t have to replace me.” 

Charles’ mood got better and he said, “I hope your performance will be as forceful as your beauty. By the way, why are you dressed up like that and where is your uniform?”

“Actually, I’m just leaving for a date.” Sara replied excitedly.

Charles took a deep breath and said, “Well, what can I say, Best of Luck!”

Sara started walking towards the door with a smile. But before opening the door, she turned back suddenly and said, “Oh sir, I forgot to ask you, how am I looking?”

Charles, once again controlling his anger, said, “He would love it!!!”

Sara excitedly replied, “Thank you sir, see you later.”

Charles drank a glass of water, called John and asked him if he had found anything shady but the results were negative. Charles sat back on his chair and started thinking about anything they might have missed. He started asking himself, “How could someone kill a boy inside a house without even entering?”

“Unless he’s already inside” His mind gave him an answer.

Sara entered a bar after setting her dress and hair again. There he was, David, sitting near the table waiting for his date, Sara. They knew each other for just a couple of weeks and it’s their first date. Sara didn’t tell him about her job yet neither did he talk clearly about his. David thought that she was just another random girl like her previous girlfriends. Also, David was younger than her but none of them cared about it.

He ordered wine for both of them and started the discussion. “You’re looking gorgeous darling.” David started with a compliment.

Sara replied in a sarcastic tone, “Thank you but I wasn’t expecting our first date to be in a small bar like this. I was thinking about a romantic dinner in a five-star hotel.”

David was not ready for that question but he suddenly replied, “Oh, no honey, I am sorry, it’s just that my business got a bit down last week, also I like simple things than the lavish.”

“What’s your business David? Maybe I can help you.” Sara questioned.

David realized that he had spoken too much in a hurry, so tried to cover now, “No, it’s just about exporting goods. Oh, here’s the wine.” David held her hand and continued in a romantic tone, “Why are we even discussing that? It’s our first date, let’s make it memorable.”

Sara took a sip while looking at David with doubts in her mind…


Next Chapter >>> CONVERGENCE
Previous Chapter >>> KNOCK OF DEATH 


  1. Very interesting & funny😂😂

  2. When you are going to post next chapter

    1. I'll announce that soon on all social plateforms

  3. Sara and Harry are so funny 😂😃😂

  4. Eagerly waiting for next chapter

  5. Very interesting. Waiting for next chapter please

  6. Wow it's really very good grip, rapid progress in the plot. Very good views about British life style. Interesting, stay blessed son.
