e should end this now” William’s voice broke the silence in the hideout and all six of them, who were lost in their own thoughts, started looking at him with surprise.

WILLIAM GRAYSON, a pharmacist by profession and an honest man by heart, not greedy for money and luxury but there is one thing he wanted so desperately, to be a father, but unfortunately, after a love marriage his wish couldn’t come true due to the infecundity of his wife, Olivia. Her treatment expenditures made a righteous man to dive in the awry tides. She had been under treatment for almost a year now and William had been surviving somehow for the love of his life.

When a good man does a bad thing, it’s the guilt of doing wrong that keeps piling up inside him. But there’s always a limit of one’s capacity to tolerate the burden of regret so as William’s. He wanted to free himself from this guilt but the thought of Olivia always used to rescue him from the suicidal thoughts and give him a hope of life.

That day in the hideout, William’s tolerance ended and he had a plan to end this all and start a new life with his family after his wife’s treatment. But who knew that abandoning his team would take his most precious thing in return.


“DNA report of the blood sample from the window is here.” John said.

“Go on John. Tell us what’s in the report?” Charles ordered.

John replied in a quivering voice, “SS…Siirrr…It says that the blood sample we collected is actually pig’s blood.”

A wave of surprise flew across every face of the person present in that room. Charles became the center of attention and everyone was waiting for him to give his reaction first. Charles, quickly understanding the expectations, got out of the shock and asked John to take Edison out. As soon as John got back in the room, Charles asked, “Now everyone will tell, what do you think about it? I’ll go and confirm the report from the forensic department myself but if it’s true then what could be the connection of pig’s blood with the case? Sara, you go first, what’s your stance?”

“Well maybe that’s the only blood available for the murderer at that time, in emergency you know” Sara gave her opinion.

Harry giggled. 

“So, Mr. Harry, what do you want to say about it?” Charles taunted.

Harry replied after clearing his throat, “Sir, in the previous meeting, I proposed the involvement of a ghost and I still think it’s a ghost.”

“Her opinion was more sensible” John whispered to Harry.

“Your turn John, what do you think?” Charles asked after seeing him whispering.

“In my opinion, pig is often used as a symbol of money, so maybe he’s giving us sign that he wants money if we want to stop him from doing another murder.” John confidently gave his point of view.

“OK, so now it’s your opinion left, Jennifer.” Charles asked

“What I think is that it’s just a tactic to distract us from the case to buy some more time for something else.” Madam JJ explained.

Charles started to express his thoughts, “You all gave some reasonable opinions that can be true if we think from a certain point of view. So, we are not excluding any of them rather we shall investigate according to each of them. On the other hand, I really don’t think that Edison has killed Peter after taking his statement. His emotions, body language and all, I am convinced that he’s not lying. In that case guys, there’s still a murderer roaming freely in the streets while Christmas is just round the corner. We have to catch him before that at any cost.”

“What are we going to do today?” Sara questioned.

“Right now, I am going to confirm report from the forensic department and I want you all to go to every abattoir in the city and ask for any suspicious activity in the last week about pig’s blood. Split into two teams, Jennifer and John, Harry and Sara.”

Sara objected, “But sir, there’s so much smell there, I’ll have to wear a mask.”

“So, what’s the problem with that?” Charles asked curiously.

“Sir, mask will cover my face, ruin my make-up and how will I breath with the mask on?” Sara replied innocently.

Everyone smiled at her reply. Then Charles said, “Look Sara, haven’t you seen doctors wearing masks, what do you think they like it? It’s a part of their duty and today it’s also a necessity of your job. Just consider it your duty today.” 

Sara nodded her head for OK and Charles continued, “Also I want to reset the teams, Jennifer and Harry, John and Sara because I don’t want Harry and Sara to fight all day without doing any work.”


DECEMBER 21,2015
1:15 AM

Another freezing night in London. Christmas preparations were at peak. All the houses were decorated with sparkling lights, Christmas trees were set and excitement for Christmas presents had blossomed. There was a strange calmness in the street, people were in deep sleep but Edwin was still busy in setting his Christmas tree.

Edwin, a youngster who had just got out of his teenage, an art student from his own choice, with a very creative mind, music lover and a very good brother who loved her little sister, Elizabeth, a lot. That night, he was alone at home with Elizabeth because their mother had some important work to do out of the city. Elizabeth was long asleep in her bedroom while Edwin was setting the Christmas tree while listening music in his headphones.

Suddenly the silence in the street broke with the strange shoes’ voices moving on the road. The floating beast with the hood was back and was heading towards Edwin’s house. There was a knock at the door which Edwin couldn’t hear because of the music. Another louder knock but no response from Edwin once again. Then the light blinked which got Edwin’s attention and as he removed his headphones, he heard the knock at the door. Edwin was scared but still he went to the door to see who’s at the door at this late hour. As he reached near the door, the door suddenly opened itself and the electricity went out.

Edwin got froze with fear but then heard a voice which made him fall on the floor, “Oink…Oink!” As he fell on the ground, the lights turned ON and he saw a pig in front of him. He started moving back while still being on the floor and facing towards the pig which is moving towards him. Once again, the light turned OFF and then ON with the addition of another pig. Edwin somehow managed to keep himself conscious and kept moving backwards but he was completely covered with sweat from head to toe. Light twinkled and the pigs got doubled and their voice got increased. Edwin’s heart was beating with a very high pace and his voice was gone in fright.

Light flashed for a total of five times and each time the number of pigs doubled, so now thirty-two pigs were in Edwin’s house. Now the light stopped blinking and Edwin saw something coming behind the pigs with a hood. The voice of pigs was so much in Edwin’s head that he couldn’t hear the strange shoes voices. He was just moving away from the pigs and his mind couldn’t understand where he was going until he reached a corner, a dead end right next to his Christmas tree.

Edwin’s body started shaking and he couldn’t say a word in fear. The pigs were approaching him so did that beast. Edwin’s tears got mixed in his sweat. That beast got ahead of the pigs and was now just next to the Edwin, who looked upward with fear in his eyes to see his own death. The beast pulled out a sharp blade and was ready to tear him apart when Edwin saw his face, the last sight of his life just as Peter. The same blood red eyes, wrinkled forehead, small pointed nose, dead white skin and a scar on its chin.

The voice of pigs was now loudest, that beast started moving the blade towards Edwin with anger and the light turned OFF again. This time when the light turned ON, nothing was there except Edwin’s corpse and different flowers arranged on the Christmas tree asking… WHO’S THERE?


Next Chapter >>> THE LONGEST NIGHT
Previous Chapter >>> THE BITTER TRUTH