veryone got terrified in the restaurant with the sight of guns. One of the two men from adjacent tables moved his gun all around and asked everyone to sit down quietly. Edison started sweating after seeing Sara but she didn’t notice who was sitting opposite to David, in anger. David was in shock on seeing a gun in Sara’s hand.
“Baby, what happened? That’s not a toy you know” David spoke softly and lifted his hand to take the gun from Sara’s hand.

“Stay where you are! And call me once again by that name and you won’t be able to say anything again” Sara shouted angrily and moved one step back. As she moved back, she got sight of Edison sitting opposite to David, scared and sweating. Sara, after seeing him sweating, said without facing Edison, “Don’t be scared Mr.Edison, you’ll be fine. I know he’s not a good man…”

Before Sara could finish, scared Edison, without thinking about the consequences, pulled out his gun, stood up, put the gun at Sara’s head and said in a whispering voice, “Neither am I, officer!” On hearing the word *officer*, David got a shock and suddenly put his hand in his jacket to hold his gun.

Sara also got a sudden shock and right at that moment, she had got many things repeating in her mind,

“Peter used to take drugs”
“My business got a bit down last week”
“He didn’t givee mee my dosee today”
“Neither am I, officer!”

Everything got crystal clear in her mind. She knew that she had solved the case and wanted to tell Charles with excitement that she had shown what she’s capable of. But unfortunately, her situation was not allowing her to do so. Suddenly she got back into her senses on hearing a voice,

“I won’t do that if I were you, Mr.Edison” Charles said after entering into the restaurant and aiming at Edison with his gun. David stood up and aimed at Charles while Harry and John were aiming at the two men from adjacent table who were aiming at them.

David said, “It’s 4 vs 4, officer. Everyone knows what that means. So it’s better if you let us go”

“Sorry for ruining your plan Mr. but I am afraid it’s 5 vs 4. Now you know what that means” Madam JJ said while entering into the restaurant with her revolver.

Charles said while moving forward, “Drop your guns now and hand over yourselves.”

Edison was the first to drop the gun because as a lawyer he realized now the consequences of what he had done just now. Following Edison were the two men of the adjacent table, and finally David dropped his gun in anger after realizing that there’s no way out.

“You dirty bitch!!!” David whispered to Sara in frustration. Sara just gave a sarcastic smile in return. The police mobile had arrived outside to take the prisoners.

“She’s looking pretty, isn’t she?” Harry said to John.

John replied instantly, “Go and say it to her, she would definitely love it to hear it from you”

Harry stammered, “No, No, I was just kidding John, don’t you know me? She’s still a blood drinking witch”

Before John could say anything, Charles spoke up, “Jennifer, take the kids home and sorry for ruining Lucy’s birthday. John, accompany the police mobile and take them to the police station and proceed the investigations. Harry and Sara, both of you are coming with me.” Madam JJ took the kids home, John took Edison, David and the other two men to the police station, and Charles took Harry and Sara to a shopping mall.


“Sir, you have brought us for shopping as a reward of arresting Mr.Edison and David?” Harry said excitedly.

Sara added with joy, “I love shopping, you are the best sir. Thank you so much!!!”

Harry continued again with excitement, “Are you coming with us sir or just giving us your credit card?”

Sara was about to add something but Charles suddenly shouted, “Shut uppp!!! Both of you, get out of my car right now. Harry, go and get a birthday cake for a 5 years old girl and Sara, go and get a present for her. Also, I want both of you to get back here in 20 minutes otherwise you’ll pay from your own pockets. Am I clear?”

“Yes Sir!” Both replied.

Charles continued, “I would love to go with you if you hadn’t done what you both just did. Off you go.”

Harry and Sara left the car with serious faces but after getting out, both started  laughing. “It’s so amusing to tease him” Sara said while laughing.
Harry agreed.

Just then Charles called Sara back from the car. Sara’s smile faded away suddenly, “I think he heard me” She said nervously.

Harry continued laughing and said, “I should better go. Good Luck!”

Sara went back to the car with an innocent face.

Charles said, “I just want to remind you Sara that she’s just a five years old girl, so no lipstick or make up stuff. OK?”

Sara replied with a sigh of relaxation, “I know sir..” And she went to buy a present.

After getting cake and gift, they went to Jennifer’s home to give her daughter a birthday surprise. All of them celebrated Lucy’s birthday, played different games with the kids and enjoyed a lot. Lucy was very happy on seeing the fairy dress Sara brought for her. Her mother was even happier and she had smiled from her heart after a long time or maybe it was just Charles who felt it that way. Everyone refreshed themselves after last four days of stressed routine except John who was busy in the police station.


Next morning, John reported Charles that David and other two men had admitted that they had been supplying drugs to the interested people, but according to them, they were only three with David as their leader and they hadn’t murdered Peter. Also, just Edison was left now for interrogation. Charles asked John to bring him to his office for his statement.

“So, Mr.Edison, you’re a lawyer and you’re well aware of all the laws. So just tell us why did you do this? What’s your connection with David? Although David has already told that but I want to hear it from you” Charles put the question.

Edison took a deep breath and started telling the truth, “Peter was not my real son, his father was a very rich businessman with a well-established business. After his death, I married Jean, my wife and Peter’s real mother. But Peter had got a big share of the inherited money, so I introduced Peter with David and put him on drugs. David is a drug supplier basically so I made a deal with him that he’ll give me sixty percent of all the money Peter would give him for the drugs. His mother even tried to stop him but I always encouraged him saying that he’s young and should enjoy his life etc. But I didn’t kill him. Why would I do that when I was getting a good amount because of him? It was an actual shock for me too. I am really sorry officer for what I have done”

Everyone in the room was astonished by the statement of Edison. Harry said, what everyone wanted to say at that time, with anger, “So you’re saying that you put an innocent boy on drugs just to get his father’s money. Just how could you do such a thing, huhh? Money is more important to you than a young life? You’re a lawyer, a well-educated person of the society and you did this? Are you sick or something? You need a doctor, man, you’re a real psycho. I am sure that you must have killed Peter for some other reason but you have done that!!”

Edison replied in almost crying tone, “I didn’t kill Peter, trust me”

Charles was about to say something when there was a sudden knock on the door. John opened the door and received a document. Every eye was on John and John, breaking the suspense, said, “DNA report of the blood sample from the window is here…”


Previous Chapter >>>   CONVERGENCE
Next Chapter >>> DNA REPORT