Charles was sitting in his chair and thinking about the case when Harry and Madam JJ entered the office.

“They are playing games with us” Harry almost shouted while moving around the office. Charles looked at Harry and then towards Madam JJ for explanation.

Madam JJ replied, “Edison’s family is not telling us the truth and they were also acting very suspiciously today.”

“And his siblings were not even interested as if he were their step brother or something” Harry added.

“What did you say?” Charles asked with a strange joy as he had just solved the case.

“Aaa…aaaaa..siblings were not interested?” Harry replied with a surprise.

“No..the next thing!” Charles denied.

“Ohh…Aaa…step brother or something?” Harry asked

Charles almost shouted with joy, “Yesss!!!”

Madam JJ’s phone rang but she didn’t answer the call and looked at Charles to tell the reason of his sudden happiness. Charles said, “You can attend it if it’s important.”

“It’s from home. I had promised Lucy and Ben to take them out for dinner.” Madam JJ replied.

“Now don’t say Lucy and Ben are your kids?” Harry asked amusingly.

Madam JJ looked at Harry with anger and said, “Yes they are!”

Charles interrupted before Harry could say anything, “You should go with your kids Jennifer.”

Harry couldn’t control this time, “Oh…My….God… Tell me what’s the other J stands for?”

Madam JJ wanted to throw something at Harry in frustration but before that Charles interrupted again, “Harry, sit down and shut your mouth or you can also leave the room with all my pleasure.” Harry sat down with a smile and was still thinking about names starting with J.

Charles continued, “Your children need your time. We will handle everything here and I promise I will call you in any emergency situation.” Madam JJ wanted to ask something but Charles stopped her saying, “I shall tell you everything in detail tomorrow.” Madam JJ agreed and left for home.

“Now tell me Harry why couldn’t she have kids?” Charles asked in anger.

Harry tried to explain, “Well, I thought who could have married and stayed with her, look how dry and strict she is…”. Charles took a deep breath and was about to say something but Harry continued, “Well I’m sorry sir, I shall apologize her later and shall be careful next time. What’s thing about step brother you’re going to tell?”


After sending everyone on a task, Charles went to Eric, a friend of Peter. Peter used to spend most of his time with Eric.

“So, Eric, you have to tell me everything about Peter. I know he was a very close friend of yours and I need you to help me in catching his murderer.” Charles started.

Eric started to tell him about Peter with tears in his eyes, “We spent a lot of time together, so many happy memories. He was a drug addict but before that he was a very good boy. I know him for almost 8 years now. His life changed after the death of his father. Then her mother married Mr.Edison. Peter had a lot of money that his father had left for him. He started drugs, his mother and I tried a lot to stop him but all in vain. He never told me about the source from where he used to get drugs. But once when he was dizzy and couldn’t even walk properly, I heard him saying a name, David.” Charles was really surprised on hearing all that. Eric continued, “There is another thing that may sound funny, Peter was afraid of blood, he was hemophobic”

After hearing that, the only thing that got into Charles’ mind was the writing on the window with blood, KNOCK KNOCK


Charles told the story to Harry. But before Harry could say anything as he was also in a shock after hearing Eric’s story, Charles got a call. It was John speaking, “Sir, Edison is meeting a suspicious guy in a restaurant. I can catch them both red handed if you allow me.” John asked for permission.

“No, send me the location. That can be dangerous if you go alone, stay low until we come and keep an eye on them” Charles ordered.

“Come on Harry, we’re going to catch them red handed” Charles said excitedly while picking up his car keys.

On the other hand, after having doubts on her boyfriend, Sara secretly placed a tracker in David’s jacket. After their date, she waited for him to leave the bar and then went inside again to ask about David or his work from people in the bar. She asked many people but no one knew anything about him.

Then suddenly a drunk man, who couldn’t even walk straight approached her saying, “Aree you aasking about that bastard who was sitting there with youu?”

Sara replied hurriedly, “ you know him?”

He replied in his drunk voice, “Know? I hate him…I curse him…he didn’t give mee my dosee today. I gavee him moree money but that…..” Sara left the bar because she had got what she was looking for. Sara got sad at first but then became angry, took out her mobile and started walking towards David’s current location.


On their way to John, Harry asked Charles about Sara. Charles replied, “She had a date, so let’s not involve the ladies today.”

Harry laughed and said, “Ok, as you wish but it’s a bit more fun when girls are around, isn’t it?”

Charles controlled his smile and replied, “Harry, we are not going to have fun there. Focus now and find John, we’re almost at the location.” Harry just smiled in response.
“There he is. Stop the car here and let’s go to him.” Harry sounded bossy

Charles stopped the car and said sarcastically, “Ok sir, here you go!” Both went out and met John in his car.

         All of them could see Edison sitting with a man through the front glass screen of the restaurant. Charles explained the plan, “We shall pull over the car at the door and go inside, try to hear what they are talking about if possible and on my signal, we’ll go, sit with them and talk. There are people around, so don’t take out your guns please. Am l clear?”

Harry and John said simultaneously, “Yes sir!”

“Let’s go John” Charles ordered.

            As they were approaching the door, Charles saw something else through the glass screen and suddenly asked John to turn back the car immediately. John and Harry were surprised and waiting for Charles to explain. But before that, Charles made a call in a hurry, it was ringing but no one answered. He dialed it again, this time the call was attended.

Charles said hurriedly, “Hello...Jennifer, take Lucy and Ben and come out of the restaurant immediately.”

“Why? It’s Lucy’s birthday and I have already ordered food for them.” Madam JJ asked.

Charles tried to explain, “Forget the food Jennifer, Edison is sitting on the last table on your left with probably the killer. Just take the kids, try not to be seen, get out of the restaurant, leave kids in the car and join us inside. And that’s an order!”

Jennifer said to the kids that she had arranged a surprise at home and somehow took the kids out, left them in the car in parking, took her revolver from her purse and went towards the restaurant.

As Madam JJ left the restaurant, Charles started the plan and they pulled over the car at the door. Meanwhile, Sara, who was chasing David, entered through the back door in anger, saw David and without seeing Edison went straight to them, pulled out her pistol and aimed at David. As soon as she pulled out her gun, two other Men from adjacent table stood and aimed their revolvers at Sara….


Next Chapter >>> THE BITTER TRUTH
Previous Chapter >>>  THE BEST FIVE


  1. There you go, now the story is on move. Next chapter will be very interesting. Very good effort by writer. Stay blessed
