Best Home Work-outs during Covid-19

Stay at home to not get fat. Best exercise ideas at home. Fight Covid-19.


The problem of puppets that are destroyed by eating-sitting-eating-sleeping During detention at home with 11 easy administration positions That will make your arms, legs, abdomen and buttocks firmly so jealous.

Everyone's problem at home during the Covid-19 virus outbreak is that these daily routines would not escape. Eat-Sit-Eat-Sleep And the problem that followed was a wrecked puppet Because normally we used to go to fitness, swimming, exercise. Those activities have disappeared. So HELLO! Ask to share tricks at home to not be fat. 11 exercise ideas at home to fight Covid-19 Which separated into each exercise as follows

Also Read : Home Work-out for a Good Figure

Exercise focus Tighten the arms and shoulders

Easy-to-know push-ups Put your hands under the shoulders and lift your body off the floor to get to the position of the plank. Bend your elbows slowly and lower your body to make sure you maintain your core to maintain straight lines. It is important that a yoga shirt should be worn to reduce shock and injury.

Exercise your arms with a dumbbell. The choice of dumbbells in the right weight Or if there is no, use a 1.5-2 liter bottle instead Then use both hands to hold against your body, stand with your legs as wide as the shoulder. Or secure Then raise the arm, bend the elbow. To put out the blur at the ear level And slowly lift it above your head until your arms are upright. Repeat this set for 20 sets at a time.

Exercise focusing on tighten the legs
Squat, legs spread, shoulder width Separate the toes outward Then bend the knees down by pushing the hips back. By being careful not to let the knee stick to the front of the toe Repeat this set as a set 20 times.

Reverse lunge

Reverse lunge, stand with legs shoulder-width apart Go back with your right leg and bend both knees as you lower until both knees are at a 90 degree angle. Push the left heel to stand and repeat the opposite side 30 times.


Kickback, kneeling and placing the palm on the floor. By placing as wide as the shoulder Move until get a stable posture Then lift the right leg tightly to the back, hold for 5 seconds and then drag it back to the original place. Do this, switch both legs 2 sets 30 times

Exercise focus Tighten the stomach
Leg raises by lying on your back And put your hands under your bottom Then lift your legs up to 90 degrees, hold firmly, lift up and down, with the legs still tense, do not bend the knees And don't have to bend your lower back

Mountain climbers

Place both hands under your shoulders and push up to the plank position. Bring one knee to the chest and return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg and repeat the other side immediately to create speed.


Crunches lie down on the ground. Raise your legs off the floor and your back straight at 45 degrees. Straighten your legs straight and bend to crunch as you bring the chest to meet the knees. Repeat.

Exercise focusing on tightening the buttocks for firm fit
Glute bridge, supine knees And lift the bottom away from the ground Then lower your bottom, return to the floor and push back up. Repeat. Add weight to rest on your hips to increase intensity.

Glute bridge

Plié squat, legs wide, hip width. Open the tip of your foot out to the side, bend your stomach and bend your knees down by pushing your buttocks back.

Plié squat

Fire hydrant: Kneeling and placing the palm on the floor By placing your feet wide and shoulder Move until get a stable posture Raise the leg to the side with your knees bent. Doing this, alternating left, right While doing his stomach pull And go with the bottom for fitness

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