How to Make Jam at Home

Learn the steps to make the perfect jam at home

It is not complicated, nor will it take time, but it may entertain you. Enjoy this simple recipe that can be carried out according to your culinary creativity. Don't forget to put your imagination

How to Make  Jam at Home

Do you want to know how to make homemade jam?
It can be done in various ways. Firstly, because the recipe, although easy, must be balanced in terms of its proportions. And secondly, because it is not that you prepare the jam and forget about it, you will also have to learn how to make preserves at home.
It all depends on the quality of the chosen fruit and that you always add 65% fruit and 35% sugar. In addition, the care, the personal touches and the way in which you are going to use it afterwards are other determining factors. Learn how to prepare a homemade strawberry jam with our recipe. Preparation time: 30 minutes
Difficulty: Very easy
Cost: Moderate
650 grams of strawberries
350 grams of sugar
A lemon

JAM in making

Remove the stem from the strawberries, wash them very well and place them in a bowl with the sugar. Cover with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for an hour. You will be getting the sugar to be impregnated with the juice of the strawberries naturally.
After the time indicated above, you will only have to remove the previous mixture as best as possible, cover it again and leave it for a whole day in the fridge.
The next day, pour the mixture into a container with the juice of one lemon. Wait for it to boil to lower the heat and keep it that way for about 45 minutes. It is important that the mixture slowly reduce its volume.
Turn the mixer on low speed, bring the mixture to a boil again and remove the foam that will accumulate on top.
While your jam rests, take the glass jars that you have already prepared for packaging and sterilize them. You just have to add boiling water for five minutes to achieve the desired effect.
Add the hot jam to the jars, close them and turn them upside down to get the heat to completely seal them.
Label each bottle with the packaging date. Remember that when you open it you have to store it in the fridge to preserve all its properties.
Serve the above recipe as an example, since all jams are prepared in the same way and only the cooking time of the fruit changes. As you will understand, preparing a homemade jam, which will last you a year without problems, is more than recommended in order to taste a natural, healthy product full of positive health properties.
In addition, you can try different fruits until you create your own recipe that ends up surprising all your friends and family. Any fruit is suitable for making jam as long as it is of high quality. It is up to your creativity to achieve the best possible results.

Final trick
Now that you know how to make homemade jam, touch a good tip to better seal the pot. You can put it, covered with a cloth, in hot water for a few minutes. You will make the jam more consistent and you will be making sure that the container is completely clean before storing it in a cool and dry place.
Ready to Serve JAM
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