
Convulsions or Epilepsy

Convulsions or epilepsy is a complication of the nervous system. If not taken in time, the situation can be serious.
The human brain is made up of millions of neurons, known as neurons. These neurons send endless electrical signals through the nerves to all parts of the body. But the normal activity of neurons is disrupted when a sudden excess or abnormal electrical signal is sent from a neuron. As a result, behavior changes. It causes tremors, twisting of the face and hands, falling, saliva coming out of the mouth, stabilization of the eyelids, etc. This is basically convulsions or epilepsy.


Structural process

According to the structure of the neurons of the human body, the body and the process are divided into these two parts. The process is again divided into action and dendrites. Neurons form synapses with each other through action or dendrites or bodies. Electrical signals are generated from the cells of the neuron and proceed with the action. The small space between the axon of the first neuron and the dendrites of the next neuron is known as the synapse. Neurotransmitters are emitted at the end of the axon, this chemical rises above the synapse and awakens the dendritic receptors of the next neuron, causing the neuron to be stimulated to generate electrical signals and it gradually spreads. In epilepsy, neurons suddenly produce excessive or abnormal electrical signals.


Partial convulsions: If there is sudden excess or abnormal electrical activity in a section of the brain, it is called partial convulsions. Partial convulsions are divided into general partial convulsions and complex partial convulsions.

General Convulsions: If there is excessive electrical activity throughout the brain, then it is a general convulsion. Common convulsions manifest as follows:

Abscess cramps: In this type of disease, the patient stares wide-eyed. The convulsions start abruptly and end abruptly. The patient loses consciousness. This condition can be less than 10 seconds. Can happen countless times a day. Children are more. Usually the classroom teacher or home tutor takes the matter first. In this disease children are absent from the surrounding environment.

Tonic Clinic Convulsions: This type of convulsions causes loss of consciousness after screaming. The patient becomes stiff and falls. Then the whole body starts pulling, foam comes out through the nose and mouth, sometimes the tongue is cut and blood comes out. Can be used to urinate on the clothes worn on the body. The whole process of this disease takes 5-6 minutes to complete. When the patient regains consciousness, he stares or falls asleep. After waking up 15 minutes to an hour after falling asleep, he felt headaches, body aches and weakness.

Ethnic convulsions: In such convulsions the patient suddenly falls or falls. The patient may bend down or fall to the floor as a result of the muscle tension. This condition can last for a few seconds.

Myoclonic convulsions: In this type of convulsions, body parts such as arms, legs and any part of the body suddenly shake. Sudden jerking of a group of muscles can result in sudden onset of arm or leg sprains.

In the case of children

  • Congenital problems in the baby such as difficulty breathing, head injury.
  • Infections: Infections of the baby or mother during pregnancy.
  • Excessive fever.
  • Metabolic Disorder: Hypoglycemia
  • Decreased anatomical growth of the brain or cortical degeneration.
  • Excessive physical tension or infantile spasm of the baby or infant.
  • Narrowing of blood vessels in the brain and obstruction of blood flow.
  • Hereditary causes.

In the case of adults
  • Unknown cause / genetic cause.
  • Myoclonic epilepsy in young people.
  • Due to head injury or accident.
  • For tumors in the brain.
  • Sudden discontinuation of alcohol or other anesthetics.
  • Due to stroke or paralytic disease.
  • Wounds form inside the brain.
  • Infections of the brain such as meningitis or encephalitis.
  • Due to degenerative disease or degenerative disease of the brain.
  • Blood flow to the brain is obstructed to cause disease.

What to do at this time?

  • If the patient is wearing glasses, remove them and place a pillow under the head.
  • If the patient is wearing a tie, loosen the tie so that he can breathe easily.
  • Lie down the patient on one side and keep the trachea open.
  • If the convulsions continue for more than five minutes, an ambulance should be called immediately and taken to the hospital.
  • The identity card of the epilepsy patient should be found.
  • Contact the patient's friends or relatives to get the patient home.


  • Electroencephalography (EEG)
  • MRI
  • Blood test
  • In addition, hepatic encephalopathy and increased urea in the blood may cause convulsions.


Medications: Epilepsy can be treated with drugs. Epilepsy is treated according to the type. However, in our country, carbamazepine group tegrital is used for partial seizures. Sodium velproate / phenytoin / phenobarbiton / lemotrigin are used in common convulsions.

In children with convulsions after a fever, diazepam (Cidil) - should be given by injection into the rectum or intramuscularly.

Magnesium sulphate, phenytoin or sodium velproate are given during pregnancy or after delivery to stop seizures.

Surgery: For those who have brain tumors / abscesses, the source of the convulsions is surgically removed by surgical removal. Convulsions are also controlled by bleeding when blood clots due to stroke or injury to the brain.


  • Patients with epilepsy should never bathe in ponds, rivers and seas.
  • It is forbidden to go in front of or next to the fire. In the case of women's kitchen work, fire work should be done with someone who knows the disease.
  • It is forbidden to go in front of rolling heavy machinery.
  • It is not right to cross the busiest road alone.
  • Extremely careful jobs such as pilot, driver, train driver, etc. can not be employed.
  • Card or bracelet indicating ‘have epilepsy’ should be carried at all times.
  • Medication cannot be stopped without the advice of a physician.
Epilepsy patients get better if they get real treatment. This reduces the trouble of others in the family. Therefore, the doctor's advice should be taken as soon as possible to eliminate superstitions.

Also read : Schizophrenia

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