Hazards of Alcoholism

Hazards of Alcoholism

Due to prevalence of alcohol in the current era, we usually do not talk much about it's harms although it is forbidden in many religions. But today we're going to discuss and prove it scientifically not religiously. Alcohol consumption can temporarily relieve the pain and stress but it causes long lasting and drastic effects on the body. Following are some of the major effects it causes in the body.

Hazards of Alcoholism

Causes Drunkenness

When alcohol is first taken, it causes a relaxation and an increase in emotions. For this reason, he feels happy and relaxed. However, when the measure escapes, vision becomes blurred over time and coordination problems arise in the body. The reason for this is that alcohol that mixes with the blood spreads to the tissues. When alcohol is consumed excessively, symptoms of poisoning start to appear. Depression and heat loss occur in the body, and it continues with nausea, vomiting and headache. In the final stages, consciousness almost disappears and breathing becomes difficult. At the most advanced stage, the person may be shocked and stop breathing.

Effects on the Brain

High alcohol use has serious effects on the brain. First of all, a decrease in motion control is seen due to the changing emotion and mood of the person. Nerve communication slows down and coordination weakens. Therefore, there is a weakening in both will and memory. Also, alcohol kills brain cells and peripheral nerves, and this damage is irreversible. In addition, people who drink alcohol frequently experience sleep disorders. In the long term, these problems grow, and problems such as depression, getting away from work and family life arise.

Effects on the Heart

When you drink alcohol, your heart starts working faster. In cases of very high alcohol intake, heart muscle damage due to high blood pressure and toxic effects are experienced. This weakens the heart muscles and causes the vessels to expand. Therefore, when you drink, there will be reddening in your color.

Effects on Stomach and Liver

When you drink alcohol, stomach acid production increases and therefore inflammations in the stomach lining may occur. When this condition progresses, it can cause ulcers. Likewise, when the alcohol cleansing process occurs in the liver, this organ is also very tired. When your liver enzymes try to convert alcohol first to acetaldehyde and then to acetate, its tissue is damaged. This can lead to inflammation of the cells and the emergence of diseases such as hepatitis. The most advanced stage is irreversible diseases such as liver cancer.

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