

Opioids Poisoning

Explanation of opioid analgesics (narcotics)

Drugs that exert stronger analgesic activity by acting on opioid receptors involved in analgesic activity
Opioid receptors in the central and peripheral nerves are involved in many actions such as analgesia
Among opioid receptors, μ (mu) receptors are considered to be most involved in analgesic action
This drug is a medical drug formulation that exhibits a high analgesic effect by acting on opioid receptors related to mucosal analgesic action.

In addition to pain in various cancers, this drug may be used for chronic pain (moderate to severe) depending on the drug.

Detailed pharmacological action

Opioid is a generic term for substances that act like morphine by acting on opioid receptors in the central and peripheral nerves, and for opioid receptors it is called μ (mu), δ (delta), κ (kappa). There are types.

The opioid receptor of μ is said to be most involved in analgesic action, and among opioids, morphine, oxycodone, fentanyl, etc. show strong action on μ receptor, and the analgesic action of opioid in the spinal cord (dorsal horn of the spinal cord) is well studied. It has an analgesic effect by acting on μ receptors such as the brain and peripheral nerves.

This drug is a drug that is treated as a medical drug among opioid analgesics, and morphine, oxycodone, fentanyl, methadone, etc. fall under this category. Due to its strong analgesic effect, this drug is used for pain relief for various cancers and (moderate to severe) chronic pain. While this drug is particularly useful for visceral pain, it also has side effects that require attention. Among them, the most common are nausea/vomiting, constipation, drowsiness, hallucinations, respiratory depression, and dysuria. In addition to oral administration, this drug has various dosage forms such as patches, suppositories, and injections, and is generally selected in consideration of the use, swallowing ability of the patient, constitution and the like. ‥

Main side effects and precautions

  •  Digestive symptoms
  • Constipation, nausea/vomiting, loss of appetite, dry mouth may occur.
  •  Neuropsychiatric symptoms
  • May cause drowsiness, dizziness, sweating, hallucinations, headaches, etc.
  •  Respiratory depression
The frequency is extremely rare when used properly under the direction of a doctor
If you have difficulty breathing or have abnormal breathing, take appropriate measures such as contacting a doctor or pharmacist.

Drugs Overuse


In particular, continued use of this drug may cause drug dependence, although it is extremely rare

General products and their characteristics

  • Durotep MT patch,
  • One duro patch
  •  External patch of fentanyl (patch) (sustained release formulation)

 Differences in the usage (timing of replacement) between DuroTep MT and One Duro

DuroTep MT patch:
Usually used every 3 days (approx. 72 hours) after replacing (use on chest, abdomen, upper arm, thigh, etc.)
One-duro patch: 
Usually, it is used by reattaching it every day (about 24 hours) (paste on chest, abdomen, upper arm, thigh, etc.)
 May be used for moderate to severe chronic pain
Fentus tape
External patch of fentanyl (tape) (sustained release formulation)
It is usually used by reattaching it every day (about 24 hours) (paste on chest, abdomen, upper arm, thigh, etc.)
May be used for moderate to severe chronic pain
Ifen buccal tablets, abstract sublingual tablets
 Fentanyl immediate release formulation
Mainly used for rescue dose

Also read : Drug Addiction

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