harles’ team had reached the harbor and was waiting in cover for the ship and Andrew to arrive. Harry was on top of a near building and had set a sniper while other three were hiding at the seaport. After an hour, the ship arrived with four Mexican boys and a guard at the top with a rifle.

“I have locked on the guard” Harry said.

“Let Andrew reach first; we are going to catch them red-handed” Jennifer told the plan.

            After some time, Andrew arrived in his car with a briefcase. All four boys came off the ship to receive money from Andrew.

[Antonio]      “Hola mi amigo!”

[Andrew]      “Hola, Hola, here is your money, give me the delivery now”

[Miguel]        “We’ll check dinero….money, first”

[Andrew]      “Here, you can check it”

[Alejandro]  “Buen coche mi amigo(chuckles)”

[Andrew]      “What?”

[Alejandro]  “Your car…bonito (makes hand sign for superb)”

[Miguel]        “Nosotros somos buenos aqui”

[Antonio]      “Luis, Trae los paquetes”

[Luis]              “Si senor!”

[Miguel]          “We are good with money; Luis is bringing the packages”

[Andrew]      “OK OK”


“On my count Harry, kill the guard and we’ll ambush and arrest them” Jennifer ordered.

“Target locked, waiting for your command” Harry replied.

“3….2….1….Fire!” Jennifer gave the command.


Harry shot down the guard and simultaneously others got out of their cover and aimed at all of them. “Everybody freeze! Hands behind your head!” John shouted.

All were shocked and started moving their hands up when Alejandro shouted, “Traidor!” and fired at police officers with his pistol.

            Jennifer, Sara and John suddenly got cover while Andrew and Miguel went into his car and started running. Antonia and Alejandro went back in the ship. Harry heard the fire, targeted Luis and killed him with a headshot.

“You two, go after Andrew, don’t let him get away at any cost! Harry’s coming down to help me” Jennifer commanded.

            John and Sara went after Andrew and Miguel in the car, while Harry started running down from the building. Jennifer gradually started moving towards the ship with silent steps. Suddenly Alejandro came on the front and opened fire with his rifle. Jennifer took cover and waited for him to finish his bullets, then she got out of the cover and shot four bullets on Alejandro when he was reloading. He fell down on the ground and got faint. Harry got out of the building and was running as fast as he can. Jennifer started moving forward to enter the ship now.



           Meanwhile in the hospital, the person with hood got in Charles’ room. Charles suddenly looked for his gun but then he remembered that he had given it to Harry earlier. “You’re the murderer, aren’t you?” Charles questioned instantly.

            The person finally uncovered his head, it was a boy of about 25 years of age, smart and handsome. Then he replied, “No need to panic Mr. Charles, and don’t accuse me of something you can’t prove”

“Why are you here? What do you want?” Charles asked again boldly.

“I want no harm, if you allow me, I’ll tell you a story of past, story of William Grayson…” The boy replied calmly.

Charles secretly put his voice recorder on and said, “Sure, I would love to hear it”

“So, you must have known by now that these 6 human-like animals killed William Grayson along with his family” The boy started.

“Yeah, but who are you?” asked Charles curiously.

“I have planned to tell you that in the end but to ease your curiosity, let me tell you that first. I am Leonard Grayson, but you better call me Leo” he replied confidently.

“No, that’s….that’s impossible. They said William didn’t have any siblings” Charles expressed his shock.

“But have you checked the records officer? William did have a 30 years younger brother” Leo added more to his shock.

“Wait….Whatt??? 30 years younger? Are you kidding me?” Charles got angry.

“I was going to tell this in the end, then you won’t be shocked but you forced me to tell this first, you can’t complain now” Leo replied while floating in the room on his hoverboard.

“Ok, tell me the whole story, I’m listening” Charles agreed to hear the story silently.


On the other hand, John and Sara were chasing down Andrew. John was driving as fast as he can and so did Andrew.

[Miguel]        “Why did the policia come?”

[Andrew]      “I don’t know! I was also as much surprised as you are!”

[Miguel]        “You must have a traidor in your socios”

[Andrew]      “Do something amigo, fire at them”


“Sara, try to aim at the wheels” John asked while driving at full speed.

Miguel came out of the left window and started firing at them. John dodged and moved the car to right then Sara aimed at the wheel and bursted it with single shot. Andrew’s car started decelerating, Sara was aiming at the other wheel when Miguel hit her on her arm. Sara’s gun fell down on the road. John pulled out his gun, turned the car 90 degrees left, got face to face with Miguel when he was reloading and shot him in his head and Miguel fell out dead of Andrew’s decelerating car. Then John fired at the other two wheels which eventually stopped Andrew’s car. Andrew didn’t have any weapon so he started running on foot. John shot him in his leg from behind which made him fell on the road. Sara’s arm was bleeding, John got a few glass pieces on his forehead when the window broke by Miguel’s fire, Andrew was crying while holding his leg on the road. John called the ambulance and some back up.



            “William was a pharmacist, a good one, always following law, but after his marriage with Olivia, the girl he loved, they found out that Olivia was sterile. That was the point where everything changed for William. He wanted money and a lot of it for the treatment of his wife. So, William grouped up with his high school fellas in a heinous plan of manufacturing and supplying illegal narcotics under a legal drug company license. Olivia’s treatment started; William continued with them even though his inner self was continuously blaming him but her love for Olivia made him do so. William was the most intelligent person I have ever known. While working with these devils, he got to know that death would be the reward for betraying them. Eventually, Olivia’s treatment completed and in November 1990, God gifted them with twins, Lilly and Leonard.

            “William had already started planning to leave the gang but he wanted to save his family after his confirmed death. One mistake dad did while analyzing the extent of evilness in these cold-blooded humans, he thought they would spare his wife, or if not, then his daughter for sure. He was sure about my death so he played a move to save my life, he told everyone about his baby girl, not twins and he registered me as his father’s son in the legal records by using his contacts, that’s why I got Grayson as my surname. He kept saving money for his family to use after his death, for another four years. We all lived at our grandpa’s for a year after my birth then they left me with grandpa and went to dad’s home. I was very young to understand anything, I cried and cried but they didn’t take me with them. They used to come on every weekend and that was my favorite time of week, when I could play with my parents and Lilly. I didn’t know feelings then, love or hate, hahah how would I even know, I was just around 18 months old but one thing I knew that dad, mommy, Lilly and grandpa were my whole world.

            “Time passed, I grew bigger and started hating my parents as they didn’t let me stay and play with Lilly except on weekends. I lived at grandpa’s, he was also very old but he played with me whenever I was sad. After 4 years of my birth, dad left that heinous gang, then they used to come more often to meet and even stay with us. That was the best time of my life, with my family, with Lilly. I forgot the hate against my parents and started loving them once again because I thought everything would be good now, the bad time had passed but it was just my thought and wish, and as all wishes don’t come true, that one also just remained a wish after a month. Exactly 21 years from today, I lost everything right in front of my eyes. Dad had told everything to the grandpa about his plan and what to do after his death. I could have played a little more with Lilly if I knew it was the last time. After the grandpa’s birthday party, my parents and Lilly were going to their car to leave and I, as usual, went to my bedroom crying as I used to hate to see them going. I was crying and secretly seeing them going from my bedroom’s window. They were near the car when I saw the car exploding with a blast. They were thrown away with force of blast and were injured, bleeding but alive. I can’t forget that scene even today, I used to have nightmares all these years. I rushed outside to help them but grandpa stopped me when he saw these beasts coming with guns in their hands.

            “Dad begged them to spare Olivia and Lilly but they killed all of them heartlessly right in front of my eyes. Then they threw the bodies in the burning car to make it look like an accident and went away with evil laughters. Nothing remained the same after that day. I became silent, that sight couldn’t get away from my eyes. I had many sleepless nights after having nightmares. 10 years later, when I was mature enough to understand, my grandpa told me everything about dad’s life and his plan. Then after a year grandpa died leaving me alone in this world” Leo explained everything comprehensively and got his eyes filled with tears on remembering all that.

            Charles was speechless, he was in a state of deep shock because he could see that Leo was telling the truth. Then Charles somehow managed to speak, “So you did all this to take your revenge? But why did you come here?”

“Not at all. I was, in fact I am too weak to take my revenge. I heard that police have arrested my family’s murderers so I came to tell you the whole story and beg you to get justice for my father. After so many years, a light of hope was seen to get justice. That’s why I came to you” Leo replied emotionally.

“I don’t trust you; you have every reason to take revenge. You killed their kids so that they can feel the same pain of losing family as you did. And simultaneously, you exposed their drug business so that they all can go to jail” Charles came to a conclusion.

“Your choice officer, I have posted the video of my whole story on every social media platform before coming here. I will get justice with or without your help” Leo announced his decision.

“OK so why did you put flowers on our car and said sorry on CCTV camera?” Charles questioned confidently.

“Ohh, that was your car?, actually I hit that car with my bike in the day and no one saw me but my inner self was blaming me, so I came back at night and put the flowers and said sorry on the camera. If you had also seen the footage of daytime, you wouldn’t have asked me this” Leo replied politely.

“There was a greeting card in flowers with John’s and my name on it..” Charles was sure to get him this time.

“I just put the flowers; I don’t know about any card” Leo said innocently.

“Where are you going?” Charles stopped Leo.

“To my apartment” Leo turned back and continued, “You know Mr. Charles, the pain of losing someone you love, forever, is greater than everything, I hope you never experience that. Whenever I am in my room, I see my dad and he talks with me but when I try to hug him, he disappears”

“I am really sorry about William; his murderers will be punished according to the law” Charles assured him and Leo left the room.


            Meanwhile, Jennifer silently entered the ship, Alejandro was there, fainted on the ground in front of her. She checked him to be alive or not. While she was getting up, Antonio came out from a room on left side of Jennifer and opened fire at her. It was too sudden for Jennifer to take cover but she managed to hit Antonio two bullets on his legs while moving forward before she fell on the ground and died after getting five bullets in her body including one in her head. While falling down, she saw her dream once again in front of her eyes…Ben, Lucy, Charles and herself, a complete happy family.

            Harry heard the gunshots. He stopped for a second then ran inside the ship shouting, “Madam!!!”. Harry suddenly froze after seeing her dead body. He had guns in both his hands. On his right was fainted Alejandro and suddenly on his left, Antonio came crawling to kill him also. There was no one to stop Harry this time to express his frustration. Alejandro also got back in his senses and aimed at Harry. Before they both could fire, Harry screamed and put six bullets in each of them with his two guns simultaneously. Then he sat down with Jennifer(late) and started crying. John and Sara soon came with back up after getting first aid. They also started crying because there’s nothing they could do to bring her back.


Charles was informed about the success of their mission, the narcotics in the ship were worth 200 Billion Pounds, he became very happy but John was not happy at all who was telling the news. They all came to his room in the hospital and their faces were not describing victory. Upon inquiry, Charles was told about Jennifer’s death on the ship. They all hugged Charles to console him but Charles couldn’t believe what he heard. He forgot what’s going on around, only thing he could hear was his last conversation with Jenny then gradually all the conversations he had with Jennifer came in his mind. He lost his love and exactly when he thought that their family was going to complete. Then the words of Leo echoed in Charles’ mind, “The pain of losing someone you love, forever, is greater than everything” Then Charles realized the pain Leo felt 21 years ago.

            In the morning, Leo’s video was trending on every social media platform and people were out for William’s justice nationwide. In the next few days, the number of protestors kept increasing and they were asking for just one thing…JUSTICE FOR WILLIAM… All the alive members of evil gang confessed all their crimes and within a week, all of them were sentenced to death by Supreme Court of UK, for all their heinous crimes, by taking Sou Motu action under the influence of protests across the country.

            Another month passed, everything started going back to normal but some things could never be normal again as for Charles and Jennifer’s kids. Charles resigned from the Scotland Yard and started his own small business of transport with all his savings. Also, Charles took legal custody of Ben and Lucy and started taking care of them as their father. Harry and Sara got engaged and were destined to marry by the end of the year. John was promoted to Chief Inspector. Charles was sure that Leo had done those murders but there was no evidence to prove him guilty. So, the case of murders was closed after declaring them natural deaths. But this case had turned Charles, Harry, Sara, John, Ben and Lucy into a small family, not related by blood of course but connected through love and care.


            Leo was sitting on the famous London bridge and tears were running down on his face.

[Leo]              “You’re right dad”

[William]       “Why are you crying? You got justice for me, your mommy and Lilly”

[Leo]              “You’re right about the guilt. I can’t bear it; I did everything for justice but then why can’t I be peaceful now? I can’t forget these kids’ faces just  before dying”

[William]       “When a good man does a bad thing, it’s the guilt of doing wrong that          keeps up piling inside him. I am proud of you that you got justice for us        but to do that, you’ve done bad things. These were innocents you killed in    the fire of your revenge”

[Leo]              “Now I understand why you always kept stopping me. These kids had          nothing to do with what their parents did. You know dad, I always wanted   to hug you one more time, play with Lilly one more time, sleep in         mommy’s lap one more time but now I think I will be able to do that when   I’ll join you”


            In the noise of the city, where everyone was busy in his own routine and struggling with the challenges of life, no one heard the plop in the river under the bridge…

            Peace can never be achieved by doing wrong with people. Justice will eventually catch you one way or the other no matter how clever or rich you are. Plans seeming to be flawless also have unexpected endings and you can’t outrun things destiny has already decided for you.



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