arry, Sara and Jennifer were present at the crime scene with Andrew. He was more shocked than sad as he had seen something impossible. Bella’s body was already been taken for autopsy but Andrew couldn’t look away from those alphabets in a strange horror.

“Are you fine Mr. Andrew? You look quite shocked?” Sara questioned.

“No…No, it’s nothing. I’m just shocked on my daughter’s death; it was too sudden you know” Andrew stammered.

“Yeah, we’re very sorry about that. I think we should come back later to ask you some questions” Jennifer said sadly.

“No, No it’s OK. you can ask whatever you want to know. I would like to help the police” Andrew replied politely.

“OK if you’re ready then tell us about Bella’s fear, I mean, had she any phobia?” Harry started questioning.

“What? Yeah, she was ophidiophobic, afraid of snakes I mean” Andrew said surprisingly.

            The police officers looked each other with disappointment. Then Jennifer asked the next question, “Do you remember Flinch, Sophia, Oliver, Stella or Edison? These were with you in high school”

Andrew suddenly turned pale and started sweating then replied after thinking for a moment, “Not exactly now as it had been a very long time since high school but why? What happened?”

“Because their kids were also murdered like Bella” Sara replied instantly.

“Ohh…so is it a serial killer who’s killing kids of our whole batch in high school?” Andrew tried his best to act normal but couldn’t control his sweating.

“Do you remember something happened to all six of you in the past because of which someone is doing that?” Harry tried to get Andrew speak.

“I am not good with memory so can’t tell if anything happened or not in the past” Andrew denied.

“Last thing we wanna ask before leaving, what do you exactly do?” Jennifer asked.

“I am owner of a local bar here in Maidenhead” Andrew replied hesitatingly.

“We’ll see you soon Mr. Andrew” Harry gave the last remarks before leaving.


            On the other hand, John was constantly checking call recordings of Flinch as Charles said. Then suddenly John found a number Flinch talked to, lately about drugs and delivery. He turned out to be Albert. John traced his current location and informed Charles about it. Charles asked Harry and others to help John in arresting Albert. The location was almost in the middle of the London city. All four of them reached the location. They all went inside the building to Albert’s apartment and were ready to face anything unexpected. To their surprise, Albert was sleeping in his bed and they arrested him without any trouble.



            On Charles’ order, all the parents of victims in police custody were brought in his room along with Albert for interrogation. Edison, Stella, Flinch and Albert were hand-cuffed and present in Charles’ room with Charles’ whole team. All the prisoners were shocked to see each other. Charles asked Sara to write the alphabets they got and respective names of all the parents. Sara act accordingly and wrote them on the board.


                        S                                  Sophia

                        E                                  Edison

                        A                                 Andrew

                        O                                 Oliver

                        F                                  Flinch

                        S                                  Stella

                        M                                ???


            Edison, Stella and Flinch couldn’t believe in their eyes and saw each other with sudden shock as Sara finished the alphabets in the sequence.

“Now anyone of you want to say something or should I start one by one?” Charles began with anger.

Complete silence, nobody was ready to answer.

“Fine then. Let’s start with you Edison…The first one to lose his kid. Do you recognize any name on the board?” Charles asked teasingly.

No answer.

“Oh, let me help you more, also put their pictures with them John” Charles ordered John to put their pictures as well on the board.

“Now, look at the faces and tell me do you remember any of them?” Charles asked again.

Once again complete silence.

“Jennifer, put their group photo of high school also on the board, maybe that’ll help” Charles ordered again.

Jennifer followed the order.

“Now Edison, I’m asking you for the last time, look at the board and speak” Charles roared with frustration.

“We…we…were c..class fellows in high school…” Edison murmured.

“Speak loudly!” Charles shouted.

“We were class fellows in high school” Edison repeated clearly.

“Why the murderer killed your kids? Who is the murderer?” Charles put another question.

“I really don’t know what the killer wants, trust me!” Edison replied instantly.

All other members were silently enjoying Charles in action.

“OK, Dr. Stella, why you lied last time?” Charles shifted to the next one.

“I was afraid, it was a long time ago when I was with them, so I thought I shouldn’t say that I know them” Stella replied innocently.

“Don’t you dare talk that innocently. You’re the biggest culprit, you disrespected your profession and instead of stopping people from drug abuse, you’re providing them that” Charles became furious.

Once again pin drop silence in the room.

“Fine, tell us what’s your business to be exact?” Charles questioned.

“I can stay quiet; my lawyer will talk in front of judge” Stella replied boldly.

 “Coming to you Mr. Flinch….first of all nice to see you again in the room you tried to shoot me” Charles shifted.

Harry and Sara giggled on the back.

“Why did you lie?” Charles continued.

“Stella’s right, we have the right to stay quiet” Flinch replied confidently.

“Ok, an easy one, who is M in these alphabets?” Charles asked nicely while controlling his aggression.

“You can ask that from my lawyer” Flinch became more confident.

            Charles had been triggered a lot now. He took his gun from the table while lying on his bed and explained them the situation, “Let me tell you something, I am resigning from Scotland Yard, this is my last case, so it’s better if you help me nicely otherwise things can get a bit uneasy here”

“You can’t fool me again, that’s empty I know” Flinch chuckled.

“Oh, you want me to check it on you?” Charles aimed at Flinch.

“You can’t do that officer” Stella spoke up instantly.

“Oh really?” Charles said and fired between Stella and Flinch.

            Everyone in the room got shocked and most shocked were Flinch and Stella who saw death from a few inches away. Both started sweating and panting.

“I told you it’s my last case, and I don’t care if Scotland Yard kicks me out for killing some drug dealers during interrogation after this case” Charles explained the situation again.

“It isn’t M, it’s W. it was our password for almost everything 20 years ago” Flinch finally spoke up.

“You promised Flinch, stop it” Edison interrupted.

“What promise, huh? Can’t you see everything is over? Sophia and Oliver are dead and we are either going to jail or directly to God by this psycho officer. I don’t care about you but I would like to choose jail” Flinch got frustrated and emotional.

Edison sighed and said with disappointment, “It was William, our partner more than 20 years ago but then he betrayed us, so we all, six of us, decided to kill him and his family so that he couldn’t blackmail us as he had all of our information”

After a moment of shock and silence, Charles spoke up, “So someone is trying to take revenge who knows about William”

“But why would anyone kill their kids instead of them, after all they had killed William?” Sara couldn’t stop herself from asking.

“That’s what I am thinking Sara” Charles supported her question.

“I think it depends on who else knows about William’s murder?” Harry took part in the conversation.

“No one, we killed his all family except his father who was very old then and also died after some years. His old father didn’t even file a complaint of murder and police reported it an accident just as we wanted” Stella also spoke up.

“Albert, you tell us now…What do you know about this gang?” Charles turned to Albert.

            Albert saw at Flinch and others who were looking down with guilt and disappointment. Then he finally started speaking, “They all have a drug manufacturing company in the outskirts of London, a legal one but they are importing, manufacturing and supplying illegal narcotics in whole country from the last many years.  David, Jack, George and I are their managers so that they don’t have to do anything directly. Stella and Flinch’s managers died, in fact murdered last year. I investigated myself after their deaths and found that these devils used to kill their every manager after three years, for the last 20 years, themselves. I wanted money for my mother’s treatment so I didn’t say a word and kept working to leave myself before the completion of my three years”

Once again there was a pause of shock in the room and this time a longer one before John asked Albert, “You talked to Flinch about some delivery, what was that?”

No answer.

“Answer him!!!” Charles shouted.

“The delivery of narcotics is arriving tonight at London seaport from Tijuana, Mexico. One of us has to be there to receive because it is the biggest order in 30 years” Albert gave another shocking news.

“Andrew will receive, it means” Jennifer suddenly spoke up.

“Harry and John, take them back to the police station and come back quickly” Charles ordered. Both acted accordingly.

“It’s a very big case now. You all have to be very careful tonight” Charles began after Harry and John came back.

“Don’t worry, we’ll handle it” Sara responded.

“Go to the seaport, stop the delivery, arrest Andrew and the ship’s crew red-handed but be very careful because there could be Mexican men loaded with weapons” Charles explained.

“We’ll call back up if it turns out to be difficult for us” Harry reassured Charles about their success.

“Here, take my pistol with you Harry, you may need it tonight” Charles handed over his gun.

“BEST OF LUCK MY TEAM!” Charles said the last words.

Everyone left the room, Jennifer was leaving when Charles stopped him and said, “Take care Jenny! We’re going to be together after this case”

“I love you Charles Lane!” Jennifer said while holding his hand.

“I love you too Jennifer Charles!” Charles replied and she left the room.




JANUARY 5,2016


12:15 AM

          The black room was cleaned, no more maps, pictures were on the wall anymore. The room was not dark either.


[Voice 1]       “It’s the day everything started back then”

[Voice 2]       “You don’t have to go today”

[Voice 1]       “I have to, I’ll finish everything today”

[Voice 2]       “They all have felt the pain of losing their loved ones”

[Voice 1]       “But I want everyone to know what I had been through my whole life and    then decide themselves whether I am a villain or a hero in the whole story”

[Voice 2]       “Best of luck then!”


            Charles was alone in his hospital room and waiting for his team to report when the door opened and a person wearing black hood, facing downwards came inside floating on a hoverboard. Then the person turned the head up, Charles saw small bluish green eyes, wrinkled forehead, small pointed nose, glowing white skin and a scar on chin.


Previous Chapter >>> THE FINAL ACT

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