he next morning autopsy report was ready and to everyone’s shock, the cause of death was sudden myocardial infarction and there were no signs of any injury or torture on the body, in short, it’s natural death. “So kids saw ghost, they got scared and boom! Heart attack!!! Case solved” Harry put his frustration into words.

“So, your ghost must also be educated as well because he’s creating rhymes, riddles, whatever you call them, for us?” Sara taunted in a soft tone.

Charles almost shouted before Harry could reply, “Hold your horses, both of you. We’re a team here trying to solve the case not to fight with each other” Harry was about to clear himself but Charles stopped him, “Harry please. No explanations.”

“So, what’s the plan now?” Madam JJ changed the topic to reduce the tension in the room.

Once again Charles became the pivot pf everyone’s sight. “We are going to ask Sophia, maybe she had any threats or any doubts on someone” Charles gave the plan.

“I don’t think it’s the right time to ask her. As I mother I can understand Sophia’s condition right now. She had just lost her young son; we should at least wait for his funeral” Madam JJ objected.

“I agree with Madam JJ, sir” John supported the objection.

“OK we’ll go for investigation tomorrow after Edwin’s funeral. Anyways I’ve been called for the current report of the case, by the Chief. Harry, you will accompany me. Jennifer and Sara, go to the press and media and stop them to publish anything about this right now. I don’t want panic in the city before Christmas. And John, I need 24hrs surveillance of Sophia’s house, note the movement of every person in and out of the house and inform me at once if you get anything fishy there” Charles told everyone their tasks.


 “Two young boys are dead and you’re saying that you’re trying your best Charles!” Chief lectured

“Sir, according to the autopsy reports, both cases are natural deaths. We’re not getting any lead in the case, no clue, no signs of any murderer, nothing. By the way, we’ve caught Edison and three other guys in drugs dealing during the investigation of Peter’s death” Charles explained confidently while showing autopsy reports to the Chief.

“Then why are you continuing this case and wasting your time when it’s natural death case. Just close the case” Chief put another question.

“We can’t” Harry spoke abruptly.

Chief and Charles turned their faces towards Harry then Charles explained, “We can’t because we’ve got a common thing in both deaths, written words, KNOCK KNOCK in the first and WHO’S THERE? in the second death at the crime scene. We think it’s a serial killer. We’re trying our best to get a lead and we won’t disappoint you sir. You have my words!”

“Well it surely is a serial killer I think, I’m counting on you and your team Charles. Get him behind the bars as soon as possible. Off you go now and yeah… Merry Christmas in advance to both of you!” Chief gave his final remarks.


            After dinner, Charles got a call from John, “Sir, Sophia is leaving her house in a car just arrived. I am going to follow from a distance and tell you the location where she’s going.”

Charles asked, “Anyone else went to the house this evening?”

“Yeah an old lady arrived at the house in evening but didn’t leave yet.” John replied, “Sir they’ve stopped at a night club, shall I follow them in?”

Charles denied, “No, you’re in uniform. Your location is near Harry’s home. I’ll ask him to go there in disguise. You keep an eye on the gate until Harry arrives”

            Harry was sleeping when Charles called him but he managed to answer in sleepy voice, “What happened sir? I was just gonna propose her and you woke me up”

“Whom were you going to propose?” Charles asked curiously.

“Sssaaa… one sir! never mind, why did you call me?” Harry suddenly got hold of himself and also his tongue.

“Get up and go to the night club two streets away from our home, I want you to report what Sophia is doing there right now. Also go in disguise otherwise she’ll recognize you” Charles explained.

“OK sir. I’ll be on my way in a minute.” Harry responded. 


            After fifteen minutes, John saw Harry was entering the night club in a very unusual outfit, red flannelette shirt with blue jeans, black overcoat and a trapper cap. “Someone like Harry has gone in, Sir!” John chuckled.
       Inside the night club, Harry tried to find Sophia but he couldn’t. Then he suddenly caught sight of her sitting with a young man in a secluded area for VIPs on a couch. Harry went near with a glass of wine and stood right next to that area where he could easily hear them.

[Man]            “I know you lost Edwin but it’s also important”

[Sophia]        “Police still has to interrogate me and I don’t want to take a risk”

[Man]            “We can discuss it in detail on Christmas in my hotel room and police
   won’t doubt you on going anywhere on Christmas”

[Sophia]       “OK fine but I really don’t think we should change…..”

[Man]           “Sssssshhhh…..hey you! What are you doing here?”

            The man suspected Harry, approached him and asked him aggressively, “What are you doing here?”

“I…I amm counting lightss in club night…..hhahhaha…you get mee? Lights in club night…hhahhaha….” Harry took a sip from the glass and reacted as being drunk.

[Sophia]        “He’s a lunatic, leave him Jack. We should go now.”

[Jack]             “Yeah…let’s go”


            Next day Harry told everything to all the members of the team in the office.

“Excellent work Harry!” Charles appreciated, “We’re not going to give any hint about this to Sophia today and follow and catch her red handed on Christmas day”

“Sir we should check Jack in our criminal record, maybe he has done something before.” Sara said.

“’re right Sara. Harry, go and find Jack in the records while we shall go to Sophia’s house after the funeral” Charles agreed.

“Can you send someone else with me, you know, it’ll be a long list of Jacks” Harry stammered while looking at Sara.

“Jennifer and I will interrogate Sophia while Sara will try to get any information from Elizabeth. John will be leading forensic team as we’re going to search again for any little clue of murderer. But if you want, I can send John with you” Charles offered.

“No, No… He has to lead the forensic team. I’ll do it myself, don’t worry” Harry responded hastily and left the room. A wave of giggle flew across every face in the office.


            Later that day in Sophia’s house, her mother, Agatha Mary, was also present, having an age of around 80 years and very depressed on death of her young grandson. Elizabeth was sent to her room when the police team arrived. Charles gave an eye signal to Sara and she accompanied Elizabeth to her room saying, “Elizabeth and I are going to play with her toys” Sophia wanted to stop her first but then she skipped the idea as she didn’t want to become shady in front of the police.

“First of all, once again I am very sorry for your loss on behalf of whole Scotland Yard. It’s not easy for a mother to lose her son at such a young age. But we need you to answer some questions for us that might help us in catching the murderer. I hope you understand.” Charles paid police’s condolences.

“Yes officer. I’ll co-operate as much as I can to get my Edwin’s murderer behind the bars.” Sophia replied with tears in her eyes.

“Do you have any doubt on anyone who can do such a heinous act? Or any recent threat? Or any family quarrel?” Madam JJ started the questioning.

“I am an actress, a lot of people are, of course, jealous of me but I don’t think anyone can kill my son due to that, you know, that’s a common thing in the media industry. And there’s no tussle in our family either” Sophia responded calmly.

“What did your husband do? And how did he die?” Charles changed the direction of interrogation.

Sophia tried to act normal but, on that question, her lips dried and she started moisturizing them with her tongue and replied in a low tone, “He…He died in a car accident last year and he owned a car showroom.”

“I am sorry about that but do you own that showroom now? I know it might seem irrelevant but I actually love to check new cars” Charles played another card to get near the truth.

“I am sorry officer but I have already sold that as there was no one to look after the showroom” Sophia reacted a bit normally.

Madam JJ meanwhile went near Agatha and tried to console her, “Mam, I can understand your mental condition right now but maybe if you can share some stories of Edwin, you’ll feel less burdened and relaxed.”

Agatha smiled as she remembered Edwin’s childhood memories and gradually started speaking, “He had been a nice boy since he was at school, he loved painting, drawing different things, always got dirty while playing with paints. Oh, he was very brave, yeah but once when we went to the farm, he got so much scared to see pigs, remember Sophie….”

“Yeah mom…he was actually swinophobic” Sophia replied.

Charles and Madam JJ saw each other with a sudden surprise. Then Charles asked another question, “Do you know Mr. Edison?”

Once again Sophia got nervous and tried her best to react normally, ‘No….No officer, never heard that name before..”

But Charles noticed Sophia drying her wet hands. Sara came back leaving Elizabeth in her room. Everybody got up to leave now. But before they got out of Sophia’s home, Charles suddenly turned back and gave Sophia a final question, “By the way where were you last night?” Sophia froze for a second thinking about her meeting with Jack before Charles continued, “Chief is a big fan of yours, he wanted to come himself to deliver his condolences but your cell phone was not reachable”

“I had a meeting with a director” Sophia stammered.

Charles gave his final remarks before leaving, “Oh, never mind, he’ll see you soon, I think. We’ll come back if we need your help again, anyways, Merry Christmas!”


Next Chapter >>> CHRISTMAS PLAN
Previous Chapter >>> THE LONGEST NIGHT

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