 am so happy today, can’t describe my happiness in words right now. You gave me the biggest blessing of my life; still can’t believe it’s actually happening. I love you so much Olivia…” William expressed his feelings to his wife while holding their baby in his hands with tears of joy blurring his vision.

“It’s all because of you my love. You did everything it takes for my treatment; you made me realize today how it feels to be a parent, a mother…I am so blessed that out of all the men in the world, I married you William” Olivia also became emotional at that moment. But then she asked something that had been troubling William for quite a long time, “So you’re going to leave them now?”

After taking a deep breath, William reacted, “I have a plan about it, I’ll continue with them for some more years.”


            Another evening in the hideout and sweets were being distributed on the birth of the very long-awaited William’s baby. William had not come yet as he was busy taking care of his wife and baby. One of the men asked, “Anyone knows the gender or not?”

“It’s a girl” One of the women replied.

            Four of them were chatting together here while two men were in a separate corner talking about some serious issue that might arouse after the birth of William’s baby.

[Man 1]         “Why do you think William will continue with us? He has treated his           wife, even have a baby now, he doesn’t need our money anymore.”

[Man 2]         “Money attracts, my friend. His newborn’s needs will now force him to       join in our plans. You’ll see. He’s coming back. Mark my words”

[Man 1]         “By the way, what did he name her?”

[Man 2]         “It’s Lilly….Lilly William”


            The next morning, Harry told that there were a lot of criminals in our records naming Jack but none of them was the man he saw the other night. Charles stood up, took the marker and started writing some points on the board, “Here are the things we got yesterday from Sophia;

      1.     Sophia was meeting her director.
      2.     Sophia’s husband died in a car accident.
      3.     Sophia sold her husband’s showroom.
      4.     Edwin was swinophobic.
      5.     Sophia don’t know Mr. Edison.”

Harry instantly spoke up, “Jack was not her director, I’m sure of it”

“Hold on Harry, I am not finished yet. These are the points Sophia told us and according to what I saw everything was a lie except number 3 and 4.” Charles continued.

“You mean that she killed her own husband to sell his showroom to get money? But why? She’s an actress, she would already have a lot of money” Madam JJ questioned.

“That’s the question that can only be answered by either Sophia or Jack” Charles replied.

John took part in the conversation, “Swinophobic…afraid of pigs...right?”

Harry reacted in frustration, “Yeah.. Just why don’t this pig thing get out of this case already???”

Sara’s expression suddenly changed as if she solved a mystery, “Sir, we got pig’s blood from Peter’s home and Edwin was swinophobic, do you think it’s a coincidence or the killer was giving us a chance to save Edwin?”

“Are you kidding right now? Why would a killer himself want to be caught?” Harry teased her.

“No Harry, she can be right and if that’s the case, the next victim should have a phobia of flowers but still we can’t be sure yet.” Charles hushed Harry.

Madam JJ interrupted, “We can’t find about all the people’s phobias even if we’re talking about only London right now.”

John added, “You’re right madam. People rarely write about their phobias in the legal records”

Charles responded with a sigh, “You’re right, we can’t find everyone but we can find someone at least. Any question before I tell you about our Christmas plan?”

“We’re having a party???” Harry said with excitement.

“No, we’re going to catch Sophia and Jack red handed.” Charles took a deep breath to control himself.

Sara asked her question, “Well, I want to ask what color should I wear on Christmas? And should I use matching lipstick or not? I am going on a date tomorrow actually after we catch Sophia of course”

Harry’s expressions instantly changed from excited to gloomy but fortunately Charles noticed the change on time.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to wear your uniform tomorrow and you have to cancel your date as well” Charles said in a bossy tone.

“But sir…I …” Sara wanted to say something but Charles stopped her again, “That’s an order Sara. You and Harry are going to catch Sophia and Jack tomorrow.” Harry’s face started shining like a star with excitement once again.

“What about point no. 5 sir?” John asked.

“When I asked her about Edison, I am fully sure that she lied. Only two persons can remove that confusion, either Sophia or Edison.” Charles explained

“We can’t call Edison right now” John replied.

“Then we’ll have to wait for tomorrow for Sophia to answer our questions.” Charles ended the conversation.


            It’s a dark room with a person in hood continuously turning the light ON and OFF. Walls were covered with a lot of pictures, maps and different names, as it seemed to have a plan all over the walls.

[Voice 1]       “You know how it feels when the end is near?”

[Voice 2]       “I can see it in your eyes”

[Voice 1]       “Fear of being not caught. That’s all I have in my eyes.”

[Voice 2]       “You’re not going to do anything tomorrow, are you?”

[Voice 1]       “Negative. Everyone has right to celebrate Christmas. It can be their last    Christmas”

[Voice 2]       “And what’s your plan for Christmas?”

[Voice 1]       “I’ll give you a gift”

[Voice 2]       “What gift?”

[Voice 1]       “You’ll see.”

            The darkness prevailed in the room with a horrible silence anticipating a devastating storm to finally arrive at the seashore.


“What’s your Christmas plan?” Harry asked.

Charles started explaining his plan while moving around the office, “John, Sara and Harry, you three will follow Sophia from her home. After reaching at the destination, Harry and Sara will follow her to the room while John will stay outside to cover and for your back up if any of them managed to escape. You’ll ask for their room’s extra key from the hotel management and try to enter the room silently and catch them offhand. If we’ll be lucky, nothing will go wrong and it’ll be a piece of cake. Jennifer will accompany her kids on Christmas while I’ll be continuously in contact with John on phone. If anything turns unexpected, I’ll ensure a full back up at the hotel within a minute. Understood?”

“Yes Sir” All said simultaneously.

“And John, I need the list of persons having phobia of flowers by tomorrow evening” Charles added.


“MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone” Charles greeted his team standing outside Sophia’s home, “I hope you’re in position right now”

“Yes sir, we’re in position and waiting for rat to get out of its hole” Harry responded boldly.

“Sophia’s not a male, you should have said female rat to get out of its hole” Sara objected. John and Charles giggled.

Harry taunted, “I’m sorry miss, I was just trying to use a metaphor here.”

John interrupted, “Here comes your raa…female rat”

“Good, now follow her from a distance and don’t let her get suspicious” Charles ordered.

“Yes sir, we’re following” John replied.

“Sir, is that Lucy behind you? I think I heard her voice” Sara asked curiously.

“No…No it’s not. It’s some random girl in the street I am walking” Charles stammered.

Everyone in the car smiled.

“We’re here sir. I have sent you the location. Sara and Harry are moving in” John informed.

“Yeah I got the location. Best of luck!” Charles responded.

            Harry and Sara went in the hotel and straight to the security room, followed Sophia and Jack through CCTV cameras to their room. After that they got the extra key for that room from the hotel manager by telling him about their plan. They got into the elevator to reach Jack’s room.

[Harry]         “You’re going to stay behind me. OK?”

[Sara]           “No, why? You’re saying it because I’m a girl?”

[Harry]         “No,No… I am saying just to protect you in case something bad happens”

[Sara]           “Thanks but no thanks, I can protect myself and give me the key, I’ll open the door myself”

            Sara forcefully took the key from Harry and both started walking towards room no. 43. Both had their guns in their hands as they approached the room. Sara put the key in and opened the lock. On the other hand, Jack also pulled out his pistol and aimed at the door on hearing the unlocking of the door. As Sara gradually opened the door and got in sight of Jack, he shot. The bullet hit the wall behind Sara with blood on it….Sara fell on her knees…

Next Chapter >>> THE BLEEDING ROSE
Previous Chapter >>> SWINOPHOBIA

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