
t’s the third death Charles. I think you guys need a break now” Chief expressed his frustration.

            “Sir, I’ll come to your office in the evening and tell you about what we have got in the case so far” Charles replied politely.

“Yeah sure, I also have a little surprise for you here. See you in the evening.” Chief agreed.

Charles told everyone and a sudden sadness prevailed the room.

“Let’s go to Oliver’s now. we need to find the murderer” Charles ordered after a pause of disappointment.


             Oliver was still in state of shock and still telling everyone that Ryan had killed his daughter.

“Mr. Oliver, we understand what you are going through right now but you also have to help us, your co-operation can save other lives, other parents from bearing the same stress as you” Charles tried to convince Oliver for co-operation.

“OK officer, I’ll try my best to co-operate” Oliver replied sadly.

“Where is Julie’s mother by the way?” asked Madam JJ.

“We got separated around seven years ago. In fact, she left me and now-a-days she’s in hospital, she got blood cancer and may die today, most probably, according to the doctors.” Oliver’s tone broke in the end.

“Why did she leave you? Money can’t be a factor here” Harry objected.

Oliver suddenly started stammering, “We..we started having daily fights so she eventually decided to leave me”

“Sorry for asking this right now, was Julie afraid of flowers?” Sara suddenly remembered.

“Oh, yeah she was anthrophobic, but why?” asked Oliver curiously.

“Nothing, Ryan told us so we just want to confirm it, it’s quite unusual that’s why” Charles tried to cover as he didn’t want to tell Oliver about the serial killer yet.

“It is, that’s why I didn’t tell this to anyone before, only her mother, me and her close friends know this” Oliver responded calmly.

“Did Julie tell you about any kind of threat she got lately or about any tussle?” asked John.

“Are you kidding me? Julie was a very friendly girl, no one could ever hate her, officer” Oliver reacted.

“Sir we need the footage of your CCTV camera of that night” Charles changed the topic.

“I’m afraid officer but my CCTV cameras were not functioning properly, so just before you came new cameras were installed today” Oliver replied.

“Well then, we should be on our way now but trust me Mr. Oliver, justice will be done.” Charles said the last words before leaving.



            Outside in the car, Charles sent Jenifer and Sara to the hospital to ask his wife the actual reason of separation. He also told everyone about the hidden mic he had placed in  Oliver’s home in a couch.

“Sir, we are also doing 24hrs surveillance of his home?” asked John.

“No, No, this time we’ll come if we get any lead from the hidden mic” Charles denied. Charles took John and Harry with him while going to the Chief’s office that day.


 “Charles, you have just 2 minutes to tell me about your progress.” Chief said in frustration.

“Sir we got the pattern of deaths, and we know that our next victim will be someone who’s afraid of spiders most probably. The only link between three deaths was that all three of them had a phobia and the killer was using that to kill them and make it looks like a natural death which is clear in autopsy reports. Also, at each death, he gives us a hint of his next victim. Plus, we have got three other criminals with confessions and the fourth one suicided. That’s all Chief” Charles summarized all the progress.

“Remember the surprise I told you about, if you want to continue with this case, you have to do a press conference today about the case because the media is out of my hands now. They need news and after three young deaths in less than two weeks, they can’t be kept quiet anymore. The choice is yours Charles but decide quickly, I’ll wait for your decision” Chief went to a meeting after giving the surprise.

“What’s your plan now?” asked John hesitatingly.

“Arrange a press conference. I know what I have to do” Charles responded boldly.



            The only sound in the dark room was the ticking of the clock. Suddenly the silence broke with the voice of the person in the room.


[Voice 1]       “I’m going to be famous now, nationwide to be at least”

[Voice 2]       “That’s called notorious”

[Voice 1]       “Fame by any mean is fame after all”

[Voice 2]       “Everyone will curse you”

[Voice 1]       “But before that they will appreciate my plan, my struggle of almost 20 years and I’ll also get what I always dreamed of. I don’t care if the whole world will curse me afterwards”

[Voice 2]       “Don’t you feel any guilt after killing these innocent ones?”

[Voice 1]       “Everything is fair in love and war and I’m currently in my war for my loved ones”

[Voice 2]       “Revenge is not the war. Forget it now and just move on”

[Voice 1]       “My revenge is my war and it’s too late to stop what I’ve started now or maybe it’s impossible”



            In the hospital, Sara and Madam JJ finally persuaded doctors to let them talk to Oliver’s wife just for five minutes. She was on her death bed, most probably taking her last breaths. There was only one question they had to ask her and Sara asked it without wasting any time, “Why did you get separated from Oliver? he says it’s because of daily fights, is it true?”

Mrs. Oliver denied by shaking her head while she was having difficulty in breathing. Then she opened her mouth slowly to say something but her voice was almost inaudible. Madam JJ and Sara went closer to hear her what she was saying.

“I aa..aasked him …(sighs) to stop ww..what he’s doing (sighs) He is a bad mann (starts panting) he’s running side business (gasps) of ddd….” Mrs. Oliver said as she had the chance of her last virtue but unfortunately, she kicked the bucket before completing it.


            While John arranged the press conference, Harry was sent to keep listening to the audio they’re getting from their implanted mic. Everything was set for the press conference and it was the time for Charles to go and face the media himself. Charles went outside after taking a deep breath and started,

            “Thank you all of you for coming at such a short notice. First of all, I would like to pay my condolences to the families who lost their young members. I know and I saw what’s going on the media about the case. Your frustration is acceptable that why we couldn’t catch the murderer yet but here I have autopsy reports of all three deaths, it’s not murder, it’s natural death, you can have a look yourself.”


[Reporter1]        “But officer, what about the bizarre signs you’ve got near the corpses?”


Charles continued confidently,

            “You would get your answer if you would have let me finished. About the strange clues we’ve got at each death, they are just to make these natural deaths look like murders, and we’re trying our best to get to that psycho who’s doing this just to create panic, and unfortunately, he’s succeeding with your help. That’s all, now if you have any questions, you can ask.”


[Reporter 2]             “Is there any link between these deaths?”

[Charles]                 “We didn’t get any link yet and why would be there any link? I mean nature doesn’t pick people for death having links”

[Reporter 3]             “How long would we expect you to catch that *psycho*?”

[Charles]                   “I can’t tell you the exact date of course but soon I hope”

[Reporter 4]             “Are there going to be more deaths?”

[Charles]                   “Natural deaths can’t be predicted”

[Reporter 5]             “I’ve heard some gossip about the involvement of a ghost in this case. What’s your stance on it?”

[Charles]                   “(chuckles) You can always believe what you want to”



            It proved out to be a successful conference for the police and Charles’ team was back on the case as promised by the Chief. Media stopped making a fuss anymore and everyone believed in Charles’ lies and accepted the murders as natural deaths. It was the first victory against the murderer and Charles felt it. Harry called everyone in the office as he was hearing some shady conversation at Oliver’s.


[Oliver]          “Have you checked for anyone spying around my house? The police must be close somewhere. You shouldn’t have come here”

[Man]            “I took my precautions. There was no one outside” 

[Oliver]          “So tell me what’s the emergency?”

[Man]            “I want to quit”

[Oliver]          “What? But why? What happened?”

[Man]            “You know what had happened and I can’t risk my life”

[Oliver]        “No one’s going to reach you. So, don’t think about quitting at this                moment”

[Man]            “But if something happened to me, I won’t let you escape”

[Oliver]          “I’m with you George, and don’t worry we’ll get David out soon. Have a drink for now”

[George]       “Don’t take my brother’s name. It’s all because of you guys”

[Oliver]         “I’m already very depressed because of Julie, so it’s better if you just leave right now”

[George]       “I am going but don’t forget what you said about my life, if they catch me, I won’t shut my mouth like David”


            After George left, Harry and others heard Oliver saying someone on the phone, “Kill him” Charles had already left for Oliver’s house with John during the conversation. It was about half an hour drive but Charles drove very fast just thinking about Oliver’s conversation and seeing a beacon of light about getting a very big and maybe ultimate lead this time. They reached there in fifteen minutes but George had already left in his car…


Next Chapter >>> JENNIFER'S LOVE

Previous Chapter >>> HUMAN OR GHOST?


  1. Natural deaths... how. .. it has to be a ghost man

  2. Natural deaths... how. .. it has to be a ghost man
