harles and John started following George to catch him before his murder, already ordered by Oliver. When they were just about to overtake him, George’s car exploded. Charles tried his best to turn the car away from the explosion but it was already too late. Luckily both of them survived but were unconscious on the road. Madam JJ, Sara and Harry rushed to the hospital where they were taken immediately in an ambulance.

            Both were currently in ICU but according to the doctors, Charles’ injuries were more critical than John’s. All of them were worried about Charles and John but then there was Madam JJ, completely unaware of her surroundings, in deep thoughts, without blinking her eyes sitting there like a frozen body.


[Man]            “It’s best for both of us, just trust me”

[Woman]      “I don’t want the best; I just want us to be together”

[Man]            “I can’t live with this feeling of not being able to give you the happiness      you deserve, just understand me, I can’t”

[Woman]      “(starts sobbing) OK fine, if it’s your final decision then fine, let’s divorce    but I never, (wipes her tears) I can never be happy that way either”

[Man]            “I know it feels bad right now but trust me you’ll never regret this decision ever”

[Woman]      “I hope I won’t”

[Man]            “And remember I’ll always be there for you because I love you Jenny!”


            Harry and Sara rushed to stop her when suddenly Madam JJ started crying and shouting, “You said you would always be there for me so where are you now Charles!!!???” Both Harry and Sara were very shocked to hear that. They tried to calm her down and took her outside. She was constantly crying and thinking only about her and Charles, the boy she loved 15 years ago, married and then divorced 12 years ago but her love….her love didn’t wear out with the passage of time. It was just buried under the sand of moments she had spent without him but Charles’ accident had blown away all the sand and once again her love for him was on the surface of her heart.

            Jennifer had told them the whole story after getting a bit stable and gradually slept on Sara’s shoulder in the car. Jennifer felt as she were 15 years younger once again and completely forgot about her kids at that moment. Harry went to the kids that night and told them that their mother was busy so she had sent him. Another troublesome night, Charles and John were in the ICU, Jennifer slept after crying for a while, Harry and Sara were just trying to sleep under so much mental stress.



             Someone else was also awake in the dark room with a bit of fear and guilt on the face this time.

[Voice 2]       “Was that also your plan?”

[Voice 1]       “No, it wasn’t. They should have been more careful”

[Voice 2]       “But if they die, can you forgive yourself? They were not in your revenge plan”

[Voice 1]       “No…No they won’t die… they can’t die, I saw them at the hospital, they will survive”

[Voice 2]       “So you took that to the hospital? You want the police officers to recover, that are trying to catch you so desperately. What kind of person you are!”



            In the morning, there was a bouquet of white lilies on the car Sara and Jennifer were sleeping in, with a card saying, “Get well soon! Charles & John…..With love, it’s me” They thought it might be some close friend of either John and Charles but that wasn’t the time to worry or think about it. A good news was waiting to welcome them in the hospital, John got back in his senses and was shifted to a separate room. Fortunately, there was no fracture or deep injury but there were a lot of skin scratches.

            But the sad news couldn’t let them cherish the good one for a long time, Charles was still in ICU and his condition was still not stable. Doctors said that if he would not open his eyes in next 72 hours, he might go in coma or we could even lose him for good. John was not told about critical condition of Charles yet. Jennifer was also not in a very good condition but she somehow controlled herself because she was a police officer after all. Chief came to see Charles and John but before leaving the Chief said to the members of Charles’ team, “I know Charles for a long time and I also know that he would never leave his case under no circumstances. It’s hard for you guys but you have to continue with the case, for Charles, and don’t worry, he’s a warrior, he’ll get back on his feet in no time”



            As Madam JJ’s mental condition was not good enough to lead the team, so Harry and Sara were left to stop the murderer and continue the case on their own for Charles. At that time the only important thing in the case was to arrest Oliver, so they went straight to his house.

“We all love Charles, Harry but please don’t do anything in frustration because Oliver had a lot of answers for us” Sara requested before entering Oliver’s house.

“Officers, I heard about the accident, I am really sorry, how are they now?” Oliver asked right away.

“Shouldn’t you be worried about George’s life right now?” Harry counter-questioned.

Oliver’s heartbeat skipped a beat after hearing George’s name from the police. “Who are you talking about? I don’t know about George’s death..” Oliver stammered.

“We didn’t tell you he is dead” said Sara. Oliver started panting and didn’t reply.

“Sir you have to come with us right now” asked Harry.

“No…No you can’t arrest me like this” Oliver said, “My lawyer will talk to you”

“We have your voice recording of ordering George’s death. So just surrender yourself right now” Sara asked again politely.

“Get away from me, I’m not going anywhere” Oliver’s tone suddenly became harsh and he pulled out his revolver and aimed at them. Harry and Sara reacted immediately and did the same, and gradually started moving towards him.

“Don’t come close to me, I’ll shoot… I swear to God, I’ll shoot” Oliver gave an unbelievable threat.

“Put the gun down and come with us. I am asking for the last time” Harry said with anger.

            Oliver kept stepping back and then after hearing Harry’s warning, fired straight up in the air to scare the officers but forgot to see up before shooting. He was standing right under the big fancy chandeliers that fell right on him as he fired and Oliver died on the spot. Harry and Sara saw the whole accident right in front of their eyes but didn’t get a chance to save him. All the hopes and expectations of police died with Oliver’s death. While standing there in despair, Sara suddenly hit upon another idea, “We can still catch the person he called to kill George”



          Harry’s eyes sparkled with a new hope. He called in the office to trace the location and name of the person Oliver talked to, last evening. Meanwhile both went to Charles’ office which appeared very dull and gloomy without Charles sitting in his chair. Both started remembering the time they had spent with Charles in that office; happiness, laughter, frustration, sadness, stupidity, sarcasm, they had everything in that room in the past two weeks and now another feeling, nostalgia. Both of them sat there without talking, floating in the ocean of their memories, till the evening. For the night, Sara went to the hospital and Harry went to Madam JJ’s home.


            The next morning, John was recovering fast and would be discharged within a day or two according to the doctors. On the other side, Charles had left a couple of days before getting into coma. Jennifer was there at the hospital looking after John and Charles, Harry and Sara got the information they needed. Oliver called Tom that day to order the death of George. They went straight to his location and arrested him at the spot. Then they took him to the office for all the questions they had.

“Tell us Tom, what’s your connection with Oliver and George?” Harry started the interrogation. Tom kept hesitating and didn’t reply.

“You don’t have to be scared, both Oliver and George are dead, so just tell us the truth now” Sara repeated Harry’s question differently.

Tom started speaking this time, “Forgive me sir, I made a mistake, I am sorry. Mr. Oliver was giving me a lot of money for just planting a bomb on George’s car and to blast it when he would say. I did that when George went inside Mr. Oliver’s house that day. George was his manager actually but after the arrest of his brother, he was pressurizing Mr. Oliver to do something to release David from jail and tell the police about his all business and plans. That’s why Mr. Oliver hired me”

“Who told you about George and his brother?” asked Harry.

“George and I had a common friend whom George told all this after you caught David” Tom replied.

“Where is he now?” Sara interrupted.

“He was killed in an accident the day before Christmas by George himself” Tom’s tone suddenly got low.

“What was Oliver’s business and plans?” asked Harry curiously.

“Mr. Oliver had some kind of drug business…..”


Next Chapter >>>  THE BOUQUET

Previous Chapter >>> THE FIRST VICTORY

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