ir I heard a fire; I am going in” John told in a hurry. While Sara was falling down, Harry realized just how much he had fallen for her. Then with a sudden rage of emotions, Harry opened the door with a blow and shot three bullets before John reached and stopped him. Two bullets on both of Jack’s legs and one on his hand holding the pistol. Sophia picked up Jack’s gun, she couldn’t think of anything at that time except to fire and that’s what she did. Everybody heard another fire and Sophia was dead on the ground with bleeding head.

            Harry quickly held Sara in his arms. Her shoulder was bleeding but fortunately the bullet passed through Sara by just kissing on her shoulder and it was just a superficial injury. Sara tried to get up saying, “I’m fine, don’t worry”

“No, you’re bleeding Sara. We’re going to the hospital right now” Harry stopped her from getting up and said in an emotional tone.

            Harry picked her in his arms and got down to the main entrance of the hotel where police and ambulance had already arrived. In her journey from room no. 43 to the ambulance in Harry’s arms, Sara constantly kept seeing his face. She had never seen Harry so much serious and worried before. His caring voice was echoing in her mind, “I told you to stay behind me but you wanted to be the hero…Now see you got yourself injured. You wouldn’t have been in this condition if you had listened to me….” Suddenly she remembered what she had prayed on Easter, “I want to spend my coming Christmas with my dream prince.” She had also laughed after the prayer but she didn’t know then that her prayer had been answered, Harry was her dream prince…

            Meanwhile injured Jack and Sophia’s corpse were also taken to the hospital. Charles called everyone in the office by evening except Sara who was asked to rest at home.


            “Here is the list we got from the data of people having flower phobia in London…No one is having such thing in this city” John said with a bit frustration while giving an empty paper to Charles.

“So, you’re saying that we’re back to zero, we have clue of our next victim, still we can’t save him. I think my mind will burst if it continues like this” Harry expressed his anger.

“Do you think it’s just you, Harry. I couldn’t sleep for two nights now. And one thing more, it’s because of you, you shot Jack and now we have to wait till he recovers, to get any hint from him” Charles also replied with aggression.

“Ohh… so you want to say that I shouldn’t have shot when that bastard fired at Sara and his next bullet would have probably killed her??” Harry answered back furiously.

“Sit down Harry. He doesn’t mean what you’re thinking” Madam JJ tried to calm him down.

“No Jennifer, he’s right. I am saying that he shouldn’t have shot three bullets when just one was enough to make him drop his gun” Charles added fuel to the fire in frustration.

            Harry left the room and shut the door with a loud bang. John stood up to go after him but Charles stopped him saying, “Let him go, he needs some rest. In fact, we all do, let’s call it a day now and go and enjoy Christmas Eve at our homes and come back tomorrow with a refreshed mind and body.”

            While going back home, everyone thought about what Harry said earlier, “We’re back to zero. We have the clue of our next victim, still we can’t save him” Deep inside, everyone knew that Harry was right and this case was torturing their minds. It’s human nature, you need to have some hope, even a small ray of light at the other side of the tunnel to keep going, otherwise frustration eventually eats you up and don’t let your mind work. Ten days since Peter’s death and they didn’t have a single proper lead to the killer, and now frustration had started manipulating their minds.

            The person in the black room knew exactly of this rule of human nature. He gave the clues himself leading the police team to a dead end and gradually torturing their minds.

[Voice 1]       “So, do you like the gift?”

[Voice 2]       “I didn’t want her dead, you knew that”

[Voice 1]       “Her mind couldn’t bear the pressure and she suicided, it wasn’t in my       plan either”

[Voice 2]       “So your perfect plan flopped?”

[Voice 1]       “Nahh… She would be arrested if not dead, in both cases, my plan will     complete. Time to call the beast, Christmas’ over now.”


DECEMBER 26,2015
3:30 AM

            Yet another freezing night in London. Tired of Christmas events and parties the whole day, everybody was in their beds now, almost everybody, except for these late-night party youngsters and one of them was Julie.

            Julie Oliver, a young girl of 21, got everything she wished for since her childhood as she was the only child of a rich goldsmith, Oliver. Gray eyes, golden hair with milky white skin, Julie was the most rich and beautiful in her college. Gold was just another common thing for her as she was always wearing it. Her father loved her more than anything else but that night he was satisfied because she was with her boyfriend, Ryan, so he slept without waiting for her.

            Ryan was a good guy and he actually loved Julie and not her money and gold. After the party that night, he dropped Julie on road right in front of her home. Julie went towards her door and Ryan went straight on the road. Ryan accelerated after seeing in the back mirror. Julie was getting closer to the door when she heard the voice of shoes on the road. She thought that Ryan had come back for a good night hug but as she turned back, her eyes saw the most horror thing in her life.

            A creature wearing full black cloak with hood covering its face in the dark was floating towards her but she could clearly hear the noise of different shoes walking. To increase her horror, a sudden blow of wind came towards her from that creature with a lot of flowers. Julie screamed for once then suddenly turned back again and started running towards the door. After two steps, her heel broke and she fell down on the ground. She started crawling towards the door. She was sweating with fear and her mind was just focusing to reach the door, open it and enter her home where she would be safe but in all that stress, she didn’t realize that she had dropped her bag when she fell.

No one heard her previous scream at that hour of night and now she couldn’t shout, her voice had gone in fright. The speed of flower wind had increased. On reaching near the door when she looked for her bag to get the keys, she realized that her last hope of survival had also been lost. She turned back to see her bag but by then that creature had passed her bag and was now just a few feet away from her. As she stopped moving, Julie found herself almost buried in flowers within a few seconds. She started knocking the door harder and harder as it’s her only chance to save her life from this torment.

            Oliver didn’t hear a single noise as he was in a very deep sleep that night after the full day tiredness. Her heart was about to explode, her knocking on the door gradually slowed down in hopelessness and her tears started mixing with her sweat on her milky white face with anticipation of certain death. She removed all her jewelry and tossed towards that creature with a thought of trading them for her life but that beast didn’t stop moving gradually towards her. At that moment she realized that all her money, all her gold, all her beauty, everything she had been proud of, was completely useless as they were all not enough to save her life. The creature stopped on reaching right next to her. By then Julie was fully buried in flowers except her face and arms with which she was constantly knocking in despair.

            Then that creature pulled out a dagger from his cloak and he had a big red rose in his other hand. He turned his face a little bit up when Julie finally saw the face of her death. Dead white skin, wrinkled forehead, blood red eyes, small pointed nose with a scar on its chin. For the last act, the creature cut the rose in its hand and, to her last shock, blood started dripping from the rose. Then he moved his dagger towards Julie with force. Julie closed her eyes never to open again…

 The sun started to rise, there was nothing outside Oliver’s door except her daughter’s dead body and a small red rubber ball stuck on a spider’s web which could easily be read as…. IT’S ME…..


Next Chapter >>> HUMAN OR GHOST
Previous Chapter >>> CHRISTMAS PLAN

1 comment:

  1. I have been mentioned by my sister about this book and i just have a quick look on some of its chapters i like the way that writer described different characters in the story line.i strongly recommend this to all book lovers.
