linch was then taken to police station after he refused to say anything about his business or past. Chief came to hospital himself to see Charles.

“Good to see you back Charles, but where is the killer? Five young deaths and your team has not caught him yet, on which side you’re playing Charles?” Chief scolded.

“I understand your concern sir but you have to stay calm. With the killer, we are also going to catch a big and very old group of drug suppliers in England” Charles replied respectfully.

“How many more days? Huh?” Chief asked furiously.

“Within a week, everything will sort out hopefully” Charles replied.

“OK but remember my words Charles! After this week, if you’ve got nothing, your whole team will be in trouble” Chief said before leaving the room. Charles called the whole team in his room to discuss about their next move.

“I am sorry I got all of your careers in trouble” Charles started with an apology.

“That’s not gonna happen, we still have seven more days to close this case once and for all” Harry replied confidently.

“Let’s not waste any more time now. What do you guys think about the next victim?” Jennifer asked.

“The words are written in blue paint this time, is there any phobia of paint or blue color?” Sara put her question.

“Yeah, both of the phobias exist but are very rare, pigmentophobia is the fear of paints and cyanophobia is the fear of blue color” John explained.

“Then we have to find people with both these phobias as soon as possible in whole country. Inform every city police station to check the records for people with these phobias. We can’t take risk of another murder now” Charles ordered.

“Yes sir” Everyone replied.

“And John, you go and check the call recordings of Flinch, there must be someone who had talked with Flinch about drugs” Charles gave another task.

“OK sir, I’ll do it today” John replied.

“You all have to do it today and provide security to all the peoples with these phobias before night because the next murder is going to be tonight and most probably the last one” Charles explained.

“Why are you so sure about it?” asked Jennifer curiously.

“Haven’t you noticed the sequence of murder dates, 15…...21…..26….30…2 and the next will be on 4. See the gaps between them, reducing with a sequence, I wish I could have sorted it out earlier” Charles got the trick brilliantly.

“6…5…4…3….2…1…. Absolutely right. He’s going to attack after midnight” Sara added.

“Let’s go then, we don’t have much time left to save the next kid” Harry said in a hurry and left with John and Sara.

“You should also go Jenny; I am totally fine now. They need your help more than me today” Charles advised.

“OK if you say so, see you later” Jennifer agreed and went with the others leaving Charles alone in his room.

They got a total of 3 case of pigmentophobia and 2 cases of cyanophobia in whole country and secured their homes. Charles was thinking about every possible answer to all the questions about the case, he closed his eyes and the only thing he saw was darkness.



The person in the black room was also seeing the same but with open eyes.

[Voice 2]       “They will know about you soon”

[Voice 1]       “Not before I tell them myself”

[Voice 2]       “You will surrender and confess everything after the completion of your plan?”

[Voice 1]       “Even if I surrender, no law in this world can prove me guilty. All the kids    had their natural deaths; how can I be responsible for what nature does”

[Voice 2]       “Your plan is about to end; you have to decide about your next step”

[Voice 1]       “All my steps are already decided a long ago, it’s a flawless plan”

[Voice 2]       “I hope it is”

[Voice 1]       “Don’t you worry. It’s time for the final act!!!”



JANUARY 4,2016


12:20 AM


          Another dark and cold night of January, people had gone in their cozy beds to save themselves from the intensity of cold outside. The sky was clear with a shining moon spreading its light all around. Like everyone else, Bella was also in her bed and watching a movie.

            Bella Andrew, an average looking 20 years old girl with golden hair and black eyes. She had an inferiority complex because of her looks and this complex was so great that she left her college and she stopped going outside in the public. As his only daughter, Andrew allowed her full freedom to make her life decisions herself. Bella’s mother died during her birth. Bella’s talent and only interest was her voice, a beautiful voice that attacked on everyone’s heart. She had been uploading her music recordings on social media without revealing her face for quite a long time, and Bella was quite famous at such a young age just because of her voice. She had also started composing songs herself. Andrew had some important work to do in London so he didn’t get home that night and Bella was alone.

            The beast came floating through the street with the characteristic sound of different shoes and stopped in front of Bella’s home. Bella, completely unaware of the impending danger, was busy in her movie, when the door was knocked for the first time. She couldn’t hear the knock. Then the door was knocked for the second time with a harder force which suddenly scared Bella. She paused her movie and thought for a second about what she had heard. She was thinking when she heard another harder knock and a shiver of fear flew across her body. She thought it to be her father and went outside to open the door. But as she was about to open the door, she heard something which made her pupil dilate.

            It was hissing of snake, and not only one, it was hissing of a lot of snakes together. She suddenly jumped back from the door and kept moving backwards slowly but to increase the intensity of her fear, the door opened itself in front of her and there was standing a human-like beast wearing a black cloak and having a big snake wrapped around its neck. Bella got her hand on a vase and she threw it at the beast but she missed her target because she was sweating and constantly trembling with fear. Then the beast started floating gradually towards her but as it moved forward, a lot of small snakes started slithering all around after getting out of the black cloak. The number of small snakes kept increasing as the beast was floating forward.

            Hissing of snakes were all around. Bella put hands on her ears, closed her eyes and screamed as loud as she could but her beautiful voice had gone in fright. She opened her eyes, wanted to run but it was too late, small snakes were all around her slithering on the floor. Now she could even hear her heart beating at a very fast rate. She was avoiding the snakes around her when she realized that the beast had come right next to her. She hit upon a strange idea. She removed her jacket and put it on snakes on the floor to make way for her to run. She tried to walk over the snakes but unfortunately, her foot came on a snake, she slipped and fell down into the snakes once again. She started panting and gave up trying and was ready to die there.

            The beast put down the big snake wrapped around its neck on the ground right in front of Bella. Bella was gradually dozing off as her mind was not able to bear that much fright. The big snake started moving towards her. That was the moment when Bella saw the beast with her half-closed eyes. Small pointed nose, dead white skin, blood red eyes, wrinkled forehead and a scar on its chin. After putting down the snake, it pulled out the sharp dagger. The big snake started wrapping around her body when Bella saw that beast ready to move that dagger across her body. She closed her eyes never to open again when the beast started moving the dagger towards her.

            Not a single snake was present there with the Bella(late) when the sun spread its light to throw away all the darkness of the night, just seven silver alphabet moulds were present there, filled with water and a miniature ship floating in the last alphabet. The alphabets were …. S…E…A…O…F…S…M….



            The morning light was present in the black room where a person was lying on bed and was much satisfied, an air of calmness was in the room. All six pictures of the people on wall had now been crossed. The people were all parents of the murdered children.

[Voice 1]       “Now they will realize the pain of losing someone you love”

[Voice 2]       “You’ve done a very bold thing to take your revenge. I wish your flawless plan will go to completion as well”

[Voice 1]       “It will go. Just a few more days and everything will become OK”

[Voice 2]       “Why you turned the alphabet *W* upside down in the moulds?”

[Voice 1]       “Because *W* is dead for them”




            Everyone kept waiting for the whole night to catch the murderer red-handed but in vain. On returning home in the morning, Andrew immediately called the cops after seeing his daughter dead on the floor. The wait was over, they got the news of the last murder but unfortunately, they had missed the killer once again. The killer was one step ahead of the police since the beginning. The body was sent for autopsy and the feeling of a lost game was over the Charles’ team but one thing was still left to be done. Andrew’s statement could expose the drug business running in England for a long time.


Next Chapter>>> PSYCHO OFFICER

Previous Chapter >>> PROMISE OF THE PAST

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