lbert left the room and went outside where Harry just arrived. Harry rushed in the hospital where he met Dr. Stella, who was about to leave.

“Oh hi, officer, I wonder what brought you here?” Stella asked.

“My relative is admitted here, so I came to check him actually” Harry immediately made a story.

“I’m sorry to hear that. You should go” said Stella.

“Yeah but why are you here? I mean you should rest for some days, you know, you’re in depression yourself” Harry stopped her.

“You’re right but they have called me for an emergency case, I am leaving now” Stella replied hurriedly and left the hospital.

            Harry went to the security room to check what Stella did today in the hospital, through CCTV camera recordings. He saw Stella going to her room and just talking to her patient who was a man hiding his face from the camera by wearing a cap. “What kind of check-up is this and also in emergency? No physical examination and no prescription either?” Harry thought to himself and his dubieties were increased even more. He called John and told the whole scene and asked him to keep an eye on her if she left her home again because they were going to investigate her again but in police station this time. John was ordered to wait for Harry outside Stella’s home before arresting her. But John thought how difficult could it be to arrest a female doctor and went inside without waiting or informing Harry.




            Stella was now annoyed to see police officers again and again, she asked with anger, “Why can’t you just leave me alone for some time?”

“You have to come with me to the police station. There’s something we need to discuss” John replied nicely.

“And what exactly the Scotland Yard wants to discuss with me?” Stella asked annoyingly.

“Nothing much. Just some details about the patient you checked today in hospital” John responded without realizing the consequences.

            Stella’s heart skipped a beat on hearing John’s reply. She thought that Albert had been caught and he had told everything to the police. She was lost in her thought and in confusion, she didn’t know when she pulled out her pistol from her bag and aimed at John. John immediately moved his hand to grab his gun but then realized that he hadn’t carried his gun from the car. John gradually started moving forward towards Stella and said, “Doctor, drop the revolver, you don’t know the consequences of aiming at a police officer”

Stella kept aiming at him with trembling hands and said, “What will be the proof of that if you won’t be alive to say that” By saying that Stella was about to pull the trigger while John was still trying to calm her down.

            The gun fired! John had closed his eyes. Blood started dripping on the floor. Stella’s eyes were expanded with shock on realizing what had happened in her house.

“I’m afraid I’ll be the eye witness” Harry said that after shooting at Stella’s hand. John opened his eyes and Stella’s hand was bleeding and her pistol had been dropped which he picked up immediately.

“Ohhhh…Exactly on time” John said after a deep breath.

“I said you to wait for me, now we have to take her to the hospital first” Harry said with a sigh.




            After her first aid from the hospital, Stella was brought to Charles’ office for investigation.

“Who was the man at the hospital?” Harry started.

“He…He’s just a friend of mine came to discuss his financial issues” Stella stammered.

“Then why were you going to shoot me after hearing about him?” John asked John.

No answer from Stella. Harry asked another question, “We don’t have time for drama here, just tell us what is your connection with drugs?” Stella started shivering and sweating but didn’t say a word.

“You have lost your daughter but you can help us in saving others’ children. The last three deaths were kids of people involved in drugs and I’m sure you have a connection as well. We shall know about it sooner or later, so it’s better if you save our time” Harry continued.

            Stella’s sweating increased as if her lie was being caught and she had no way to escape from it now, so she finally spoke up, “I…I am a doctor but you’re……right about my link with drugs. The man who came was PA of my partner and he asked for my help in some drugs issue but I refused as my daughter had died the other day. That’s all I can tell you and I am ready to face the law”

“Who’s your partner? Where can we find him or his PA?” John asked instantly.

“I can’t tell you anymore and you can’t force me either, you’ll have to talk to my lawyer” Stella replied after a deep breath.

“Do you know Edison, Sophia or Oliver?” Harry tried another way.

Stella got shocked and remained quiet first then she responded, “No, I don’t know them” Then she didn’t answer anything else although Harry and John tried a lot.




John was sent to home as he was not fully recovered yet while Harry went to the hospital where Sara was continuously praying for Charles’ recovery. It was New Year’s night. There was a crowd on the streets who had come out to start the New Year with a wonderful celebration. But for some, it was just another night as it had become for Harry and Sara. Both had their own plans for New Year celebration but fate had other plans for them and there they were, in the hospital together but that’s not what’s important. Important was the recovery of Charles and to catch the killer who was still free after four murders.

It was a long and noisy night. People had welcomed the New Year with a lot of enthusiasm. That night everyone was enjoying without the fear of a serial killer who’s still on run. Ben and Lucy were very excited as well to see the countdown for the New Year and beautiful fireworks and their mother was continuously pretending to be enjoying with them.




            In the dark room, the New Year was also celebrated by just blowing a candle on a small cake.

[Voice 1]       “Happy New Year!”

[Voice 2]       “There’re no new years once you die. You have deprived four kids of this celebration”

[Voice 1]       “But you’re with me and it’s New Year so you can celebrate”

[Voice 2]       “The last New Year we celebrated together was the happiest memory of my life”

[Voice 1]       “The only memory I have of that cursed year was what happened at Grandpa’s farmhouse”

[Voice 2]       “It wasn’t your fault; you could have only harmed yourself if you had tried to help”

[Voice 1]       “That could still be better than living a life with guilt and revenge”

[Voice 2]       “It was your destiny to live a life with a burning fire of revenge in your heart”

[Voice 1]       “But now it’s soon going to end, just a few more days and my revenge will be completed finally after 21 years of continuous pain and frustration”



            The first sun of 2016 had spread its fresh and bright light. Harry asked everyone to come to the office including Madam JJ.

“Madam JJ, you’ve to lead from now on, you’re senior and you have more experience. We all are worried for Charles but we have to be emotionally strong to catch the murderer. We have to do it, for Charles!” Harry commenced the conversation.

John and Sara agreed.

“OK…let’s do it then, for Charles!” Madam JJ took the charge.

“By now, we know that murderer is killing children of people involved in drug business and our clue for next victim is a snake tongue attached on a spider web” John presented a summary.

“Last time, we had red rubber ball attached on a spider web. We thought our next victim would be spider-phobic and protected the spider-phobic people but the red rubber ball was actually a clown’s nose which we ignored and Zoey was caulrophobic. Spider web was just for a diversion” Sara added.

“So, you think that next one will have phobia of snakes because spider web is just for a diversion” Madam JJ summarized Sara’s point.

“The murderer might have thought that we’ll not fall for the diversion again thinking that it can be a diversion for the second time and he’ll easily murder the next target” Harry gave his point of view.

“Coming to the conclusion, our next victim will be spider-phobic. But what if it’s the other way around, the murderer might have thought that we’ll fall for the diversion second time thinking that it can’t be a diversion again and his next victim will be snake-phobic?” Madam JJ put another perspective.

“So, what are we going to do?” asked John.

“We have data of spider-phobic people, get record for snake-phobic people as well and put security on their houses till further orders” Madam JJ concluded.




[Charles]       “I swear I didn’t choose you neither did they ask my suggestions”

[Jennifer]      “I don’t believe you”

[Charles]      “Go and ask the Chief yourself then. You’re one of the best cops of Scotland Yard, that’s why your name has been selected”

[Jennifer]      “Even if it’s true, I’m not going to work with you”

[Charles]       “Can’t you see it Jenny, it’s our destiny to be together once again. You love your kids and I swear I’ll love them as my own kids. It had been many years since James’ accident now and the kids need a father”

[Jennifer]      “You’re right, I love my kids and I can take care of them myself as well. Also, I don’t want the love of a person who can leave anytime, for my kids”

[Charles]       “Time has changed Jenny, it’s been 12 years now, you’re a mother of two kids and I didn’t marry after that. I promise I’ll never leave you or OUR kids ever. Let’s just work on this case together and we’ll marry after that if you’ll agree”

[Jennifer]      “OK fine, but nobody should know about us in team”

[Charles]       “Done. I’ll always support you Jenny……”


Charles opened his eyes!!!


Next Chapter >>> THE EVIL PLAN

Previous Chapter >>> KILLER'S APOLOGY

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