tella came home early in the morning after the night duty and her daughter(late) was there to welcome her. Stella was not ready to believe in her eyes but she had no other choice. The cops were called. Harry was informed immediately as it was another victim of their case. Harry reached the crime scene alone this time without informing anyone in the hospital. Once again everything was same except a snake tongue attached on the spider web and the new words…ME WHO? The cadaver was sent for autopsy and Harry ordered to provide the autopsy report by noon no matter what.          

John was discharged from the hospital. He had some bandages left to be open but he was ready to get back on the case, his devotion had increased. After hearing about John’s recovery, Harry called Sara and John in the office. Charles was still in the ICU so Jennifer stayed at hospital. Harry told them about the new death and Sara told him about the apology of the killer and Charles’ condition. Sadness was the only thing on every face. Everyone was missing Charles’ leadership but Harry had to take charge, as he was senior among them, which he did. He wrote all the words on the board they got so far,


                        KNOCK KNOCK

                        WHO’S THERE?

                        IT’S ME

                        ME WHO?


“It’s like a poem. The next line will tell us about the killer most probably” Sara gave her opinion.

“But we can’t wait for another murder” John objected.

“John’s right. We have to stop the killer before his next attack” Harry reacted.

“Didn’t you find spider-phobic people in the city?” asked Sara.

“I did find two of them, put security on these two but Zoey was not among those I found” Harry replied sadly.

“What do you say about the bouquet of white lilies and the apology on CCTV camera? It doesn’t make any sense, does it?” asked John.

“Speaking of white lilies, they are often used on the funerals of young ones, so maybe the flowers were for Peter, Edwin and Julie but the apology, that’s unusual for a serial killer and another murder after the apology…either he’s a real psycho or an attention seeker I think” Harry explained his point.

“It can also be that the accident was not according to the killer’s plan, so he was apologizing for what happened to John and Charles” Sara gave the conversation another angle.

“Aren’t you getting too optimistic? I mean why would a serial killer say sorry? Maybe he’s saying sorry sarcastically, he’s apologizing for us not being dead in the accident?” John refused to see the story through Sara’s angle.

“I think John’s point is more logical, I am not saying Sara’s wrong but we are not in a condition to forgive” Harry gave his vote.

“See…that’s the difference between you and Charles, Harry. Charles never took sides, he used to listen everyone’s opinion and decide by taking all the ideas together, not by denying one’s opinion completely” Sara expressed her frustration.

“I can never be like him, because I’m Harry Karl not Charles Lane. I am just trying to lead the case in absence of both the seniors” Harry reacted.

“I think I was wrong about you; I am going to take Madam JJ to her kids and will come back when Charles will lead again” Sara told her own decision and left.

            Harry tried to stop her but in vain. He screamed in pain and frustration. There’s a knock on the door. John opened the door to receive the autopsy report. The same natural death due to cardiac failure.

“Let’s go to Dr. Stella” Harry ordered.



         Sara went to the hospital and convinced Jennifer to go home to her kids now. After leaving her home, she came back to the hospital and asked the doctor about Charles’ current condition and recovery.

“I’m sorry to say that he’s in coma now but the good thing is that, miraculously, his vital organs, spinal cord and all the bones are intact. So, if he gets out of coma, he’ll be fine in no time” Doctor explained.

“And how long will he take to get back into his consciousness?” asked Sara curiously.

“We can’t predict that actually. I’ll be honest with you, he can get out of coma in an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year or maybe never. Just pray for him and hope for the best.” Doctor replied and left Sara alone in despair.




            Meanwhile, Harry and John went to Stella’s home. In the car, John asked, “Every kid killed had his parents involved somehow in drugs. Do you think Stella will also be dealing with drugs?”

“She’s a doctor, I don’t think she’s in drugs but anything is possible. We’re not going to ask directly rather we’ll implant a hidden mic like Charles did last time at Oliver’s” Harry told his plan.

            Stella’s depression was right, she lost her young daughter that morning and the police came to investigate her. She finally agreed to talk after Harry told her about all other young deaths.

“Thank you doctor for agreeing to help us in catching the murderer. I am sorry for your loss but I hope we’ll catch the killer with your help” Harry started, “Now tell us if you have doubt on anyone or Zoey had a fight recently?”

“No, she had never been in any fight, she was an intelligent and humble girl, fully focused on her studies and future” Stella replied sadly.

“Zoey was afraid of spiders; we know but who else knew that?” John asked confidently.

“What? No, she wasn’t afraid of spiders, in fact she loved spiders. Instead she was caulrophobic and everyone knows that. I wrote that in every legal document of Zoey” Stella replied instantly.

            Stella’s reply shocked both Harry and John and then Harry remembered that the red rubber ball they got was actually a clown’s nose. The spider web was just for a diversion. Then Harry asked the important question, “Do you know Edison, Oliver or Sophia?”

“No..No…Never heard about them” Stella suddenly stammered. “Well, if you allow me officer, I have my daughter’s funeral waiting” She continued and asked to leave.

“Yeah sure, I am sorry for coming at this time, you can go, we’ll come back later” Harry allowed her and also left Stella’s house. Harry went to the hospital and asked John to keep a secret eye on Stella’s house and inform him immediately if someone would come to her home.




            In the hospital, Harry saw Sara sitting outside ICU with her head down. He went close to her and said, “Aaaa…I am sorry about earlier, I’m not like that you know, it’s the pressure of deaths. I’m too stressed……”

            Sara stood up and hugged him before he could complete and started crying. “What…What happened? Everything alright?” Harry asked curiously by helping her sit on the chair and wiping her tears.

“Doctor….Doctor said that Charles had gone in coma and they couldn’t say about how long would he stay in coma” Sara said in a low voice while weeping.

“He’s a fighter Sara, he will be fine very soon I know” Harry tried to give hope.

Sara kept weeping without saying anything. “Stop crying Sara...wait let me bring you a mirror to see your face right now, your make up is going down. People are all looking at you” Harry played a funny trick in difficult time. The trick worked, Sara giggled a little and wiped her tears with tissue and went to the rest room to clean her face.

            Harry stood next to Charles’ bed in the ICU, got tears in his eyes on seeing his team leader lying there quietly. “Hey Charles, just come back now, it’s enough already, we need you badly, everyone’s missing you. You know Jennifer was here constantly with you even forgetting about her kids. John’s back in office but I can feel it in his eyes how much he’s missing you. Sara was just crying outside for you and here I am, I never cried after my parents’ death as I promised myself but I can’t keep my promise anymore, here I am crying and begging you to return to us” Harry spoke to Charles from his heart.



            None of them slept that night, John was outside Stella’s home, Jennifer was with her kids, Harry and Sara were at the hospital. In the morning John saw Stella leaving for her hospital duty and informed Harry right away. Harry asked John to stay hidden and keep an eye on the entrance of her house while he went to Stella’s hospital himself to keep an eye on her.

            Stella went to the hospital and asked about the emergency because of which she was called. She was informed that her patient was waiting for her in her room. Stella went to her room where she was shocked to see a man sitting on the chair.

[Stella]           “What’s the issue?”

[Man]            “The issue is that your mobile phone is switched off”

[Stella]          “So? I don’t want to talk to anyone, my daughter died yesterday and I need some time to rest”

[Man]            “Time, that’s the thing we don’t have at the moment”

[Stella]       “Police is investigating, they already know about Edison, Oliver and Sophia”

[Man]            “I am going to follow your order but you have to decide fast”

[Stella]         “We are not cancelling the order; we have worked very hard for a long time to achieve this. Convey my stance but you have to leave now, Albert!”


Next Chapter >>> HAPPY NEW YEAR
Previous Chapter >>> THE BOUQUET

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