hile they were discussing about their next move, Harry got a call from the hospital and all of them rushed to the hospital with a strange joy as their prayers had been answered. On reaching the hospital, doctor stopped them from meeting Charles by saying, “Charles have just recovered from coma, we’ll keep him under observation for a few hours then you can meet him when he will be shifted to a separate room in the evening”

            They had to wait a little more to meet their team leader. So, in that time Harry and John went to find the people with snake phobia in the city. In the evening, everyone met Charles with tears of joy and welcomed him with his favorite flowers. Charles was a little bit surprised on seeing so much love from everyone in the room but he was happy as everyone else was. It was the happiest evening for everyone in last couple of weeks. Smiles were all around.


          There was also a feeling of relief in the dark room as the news of Charles’ recovery had also reached there.

[Voice 1]       “They got the New Year’s gift in the form of Charles’ recovery”

[Voice 2]       “You prayed for that, didn’t you?”

[Voice 1]       “Yeah I did but Charles have other people as well who are enough to pray for him”

[Voice 2]       “And what if he stops you before the completion of your plan?”

[Voice 1]       “I’m not gonna leave anything that can prove me guilty”

[Voice 2]       “What will you do after completing your plan?”

[Voice 1]       “I will think about it when the time will come. Right now, I don’t have time to think about anything except my revenge”

[Voice 2]       “The blood of these kids won’t let you live peacefully”

[Voice 1]       “I’m showing them the pain to lose their blood relations and I won’t regret it. It’s time!”





2:10 AM


            New year had just been started with a lot of excitement and determination. The cold nights were the same with heavy snowfall every other day. At night it was the freezing breeze that forced people to stay at their homes. There was complete silence and dark on the street except one room where the bulb was glowing and Dylan was busy playing video games on his play-station.

            Dylan Flinch, a youngster of 21 years of age, left education after high school as he was dull in studies and the only interest he had in his life was gaming and he was very good in it as well. His mother died a long ago and he had no siblings. Dylan’s father was often in London for his business but also, he didn’t have much interest in Dylan’s daily activities. His father used to visit Dylan on every weekend. That night Dylan was alone and his father would have to come in the morning as it was Saturday. Dylan had servants who used to work in the day but at night, Dylan used to be alone in the home.

            The silence in the street was disturbed by the noise of different shoes walking on the road. The beast was back once again dressed in full black and his head covered. It kept floating and turned towards Dylan’s home. There was a knock on the door. Dylan was busy in gaming and as he was using his headphones, he couldn’t hear the knock. The next knock was a harder one but Dylan was not able to hear that either. Then the door started to be knocked harder and harder and finally, Dylan heard it, he paused his game and gradually started moving towards the door with a throbbing heart as the knock on the door was continuous to a scary level. Then suddenly as he reached closer to the door, the knocking stopped like the person on the other side could see Dylan coming.

            Dylan was more scared now and he stopped there but his heart skipped a beat when he saw a spider came inside by crawling under the door. The next sight was even more frightening for Dylan, another spider followed the first one then another and they kept coming and there were dozens of spiders, in a few seconds, crawling towards him. His facial expressions suddenly changed as he was going to puke. He was going to run and bring insect killer but the idea got out of his mind when the door opened itself in front of his eyes. Dylan suddenly felt difficulty in breathing and started panting and sweating, when he saw the outside of the door was overflowing with spiders and after the door opened, spiders started crawling on every wall and roof, hundreds of spiders were already entered in the house and yet more were following. He was about to faint but then he saw a person fully dressed in black standing there.

Dylan’s voice had gone in fright so he asked the person to help him with his hands. But when that person started coming closer, Dylan realized that the person was floating instead of walking. His heartbeat accelerated even more, he thought he’s in a dream so he tried his best to wake up even hit himself on his head but in vain, it wasn’t a dream. He was still scared and confused between dream and reality when he felt spiders crawling up on his body now. The reality was confirmed and with a muffled scream, Dylan pushed the spiders off his body and turned around to run but fell down on the floor in haste and fear. Then he saw the face of the person whom he asked for help. Small pointed nose, dead white skin, wrinkled forehead and blood red eyes. Dylan’s heartbeat kept increasing with increased sweating and panting.

            The beast’s face was so frightening that Dylan lost his sense of touch and soon the spiders were all over him. He was seeing the spiders so close to him for the first time. His body was completely numb and he couldn’t perform any movement even if he wanted. His heart was about to explode and his eyes were half opened now to see the final sight of his life. The beast pulled out a sharp dagger and moved it towards Dylan with force, his eyes stopped blinking forever.

Nothing was present there except Dylan’s cold body and a sentence written on the wall with blue paint…GO TO THE PAST WHERE I AM PRESENT





“I am so happy that you finally made a bold decision and left them” said Olivia.

“It was all planned, I told you about that. Now we’ve to be brave to face the consequences” William explained.

Lilly entered the room and asked with curiosity, “I can’t wait anymore, please tell me where are we going?”

“Come here sweetheart” William put Lilly in his lap and replied, “We are going to your grandpa’s farmhouse for celebrating his birthday”

“Will grandpa make my favorite cupcakes too?” Lilly inquired with glee.

“Yes, my love, and you can eat as many as you want today and we won’t tell mommy about it, it’ll be our secret” William whispered. William and Lilly giggled and did a high-five.

“I heard that!” Olivia shouted from the bathroom, “Come on Lilly, you have to take bath now, water’s ready”

“Go, your mommy is waiting and don’t take too much time, we don’t want to get late for cupcakes” William sent her after kissing on her head.




            In the hideout, everyone was surprised and worried on the same time. William’s role as a pharmacist was important to get drug manufacturing license. But William had threatened them, to tell the police about their dark business if William was approached again, before leaving.


[Stella]           “So what now, huh?”

[Oliver]          “He left us, I told you one day he’ll betray us but you never listened Edi”

[Edison]         “I don’t know what suddenly happened to him”

[Sophia]        “I want money, I don’t care if William stays or not”

[Edison]         “We all want money here Sophie”

[Flinch]          “Can’t we hire a pharmacist to replace William and continue our work?”

[Stella]           “Yeah, I know a lot of them, we can give them money to work for us”

[Sophia]        “Then why are we wasting time and worrying about William here?”

[Oliver]          “Sophie dear, we need a person to trust, otherwise everyone of us will have to pay”

[Edison]         “We can’t trust anyone right away; it’ll take some time”

[Flinch]          “I don’t think that’s the actual problem here”

[Andrew]      “Exactly, the real problem is William. He knows everything about us and he has betrayed us so we can’t trust him anymore. He can blackmail us for anything with the information he has”

[Sophia]        “Are you all thinking what I’m thinking”

[Stella]           “We’re not mind readers, so just say it out loud what you’re thinking!”

[Sophia]        “We can finish William once and for all”

[Edison]         “And what about Olivia and Lilly?”

[Flinch]          “They can’t be spared either”

[Oliver]          “No, No, No, it doesn’t seem right”

[Andrew]      “That’s the only option I’m afraid”

[Oliver]          “I heard that if you kill a child, he keeps haunting you throughout your life after becoming ghost”

[Stella]           “That’s rubbish Oliver. Ghosts don’t exist”

[Flinch]          “Anyone else in William’s family that could be harmful after his death?”

[Edison]         “Nah, his father is alive but he is also in his last stage of life and will soon die of his natural death, so no harm from him”

[Oliver]          “Remembering of his father, the old man has birthday today”

[Andrew]      “William will definitely go there with his family today”

[Sophia]        “So let’s erase William’s family from this world after the birthday party”

[Edison]         “We’ll wait for them outside the old man’s farmhouse, and kill them in their car”

[Andrew]      “It should better look like an accident”


Next Chapter >>> PROMISE OF THE PAST
Previous Chapter >>> HAPPY NEW YEAR

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