linch came home in the morning and saw the dead body of his son lying on the floor. Flinch felt a lot of pain on the death of his only son. Police was informed and the case was immediately reported to Harry. John, Sara and Harry went to the crime scene and this time their clue was a sentence written with blue paint….GO TO THE PAST WHERE I AM PRESENT….Body was sent for autopsy in extreme emergency although they already knew the cause of  death but they had to complete the legal formality. Harry asked John to keep an eye on every moment of Flinch from now on.


            On the other hand, Charles was not allowed to leave the hospital at least for a week by the doctors. So, Charles asked to bring all the case details and necessary items from his office to his hospital room. Jennifer informed Charles about everything that happened in the past few days in his absence. After a while Harry and Sara came with the news of another murder and told them the details. Charles asked Sara to write all the words they had got till then on the board and the names of deceased kids.


                        KNOCK KNOCK                               Peter

                        WHO’S THERE?                               Edwin

                        IT’S ME                                              Julie

                        ME WHO?                                        Zoey

                        GO TO THE PAST                            Dylan

                        WHERE I AM PRESENT


            Charles asked, “Did we get any link between the kids in the past? The same school or high school?”

“No, there’s not a single thing common between any two” Harry replied.

“But how? We had security on every spider and snake phobic person’s house in the city?” Jennifer asked curiously.

“This time it wasn’t in London, it was in Slough” Sara replied sadly.

            Then there was a silence in the room full of sadness, helplessness and frustration, which was finally broken by Charles, “And their parents? Any link between them?”

“All are related to drugs somehow” said Sara.

“No, No, check their connection with each other in the past, there must be something happened in the past they all know” Charles ordered.

“Ok then, I’ll go and check” Harry stood up to leave.

“No, Sara will go, you have to do another task for me” Charles stopped Harry.

“Yes sir, I am going” Sara left after saying.

“Harry, go to the Chief, tell him about these drug dealers and ask him if he knows anything about these from the past” Charles explained.

“Sure, I’ll be back soon” Harry said before leaving.

Charles smiled and said with nostalgia, “These two often remind me of us 15 years ago”

“I think OUR kids needs a father after this case” Jennifer blushed while saying.

“What?? Are you serious? I can’t describe my happiness right now” Charles said with intense level of joy and laughter.

“I said after the case, save your energy for then. For now, focus on the killer, Charlie!” Jennifer brought Charles back to reality.

            After some time, Sara came back with good news and the autopsy report of Dylan which was same as the previous ones.

“Sir, you’re right. Edison, Stella, Oliver, Sophia and Flinch, they were all class fellows in high school” Sara told them the breaking news.

“Jennifer, go to John and arrest Flinch right after Dylan’s funeral in the evening” Charles ordered.

Harry called Charles from Chief’s office and said, “Sir, Chief is asking me to release the details of drug dealers to the press. What do you say?”

“Ask him to wait for a day or two more, we’re soon going to get the mastermind” Charles stopped Harry from a press release.


[Flinch]          “What you think you’re doing in my son’s funeral?”

[Albert]         “I am sorry about your son but the delivery is in two days. We want your payment”

[Flinch]          “Ask your boss to use his money, I’ll pay him in a few days, can’t you see I’m standing in my son’s funeral right now”

[Albert]         “You know him, he don’t trust even his brother in money matters”

[Flinch]          “How can I pay you right now? Are you nuts?”

[Albert]         “Here’s your cheque book, go on”

[Flinch}          “How?? That bastard!!! Anyways take your payment and get lost”


            After burying Dylan, Flinch came out of the graveyard where John and Jennifer were already waiting for him.

“You’re coming with us Mr. Flinch” John stopped him from entering his car.

“What the hell is wrong with you now?” Flinch inquired with frustration.

“I said you’re coming with us; we have arranged a free ride for you” John’s tone changed to aggressive as he held Flinch’s hand.

“You think I’m a lowbrow, you can’t arrest me without any warrant, officer” Flinch freed his hand.

Madam JJ pulled out her revolver, aimed at Flinch and said, “Who said about arresting? You are going to be shanghaied. Now move!”

“You’ll pay for it” Flinch murmured while sitting in police’s car.

“Yeah, yeah, we have a lot of money for that. Now shut up!” John taunted.



            Flinch was taken to the hospital where Harry and Sara were already present in Charles’ room. Charles began the discussion, “First of all, I’m sorry about Dylan and also for bringing you here like this but trust me, we wouldn’t have done this if it’s not an emergency”

No response from Flinch except frustrated expressions.

“See, the point is we know about you all class fellows of high school. Your son was murdered by the same person who had killed your friends’ kids. You have to help us Flinch to stop him from killing another kid of some of your another high school friend” Charles continued.

            Flinch’s expressions changed from anger to shock and then fear as he suddenly remembered something from the past, which stopped him from saying anything.





           Every face in the hideout was showing heinous expressions, because they had done it, they had killed William and his family according to the plan. There was no guilt, rather a tranquility and happiness was present in their hearts.


[Edison]         “Now we all are going to hide just as a precaution”

[Oliver]          “And what about business?”

[Flinch]          “We are going to have our managers from now on which will deal on our behalf”

[Stella]           “But how can we trust our managers?”

[Andrew]      “We can’t and we won’t. After every three years, we’ll kill them and hire new ones”

[Sophia]        “Now that sounds cool”

[Andrew]      “And the last thing before leaving, everyone will promise not to contact each other by any means possible. You can send message through managers but no direct contact and from now on, we all are strangers to each other no matter what happens”

[ALL]              “I Promise!!!”





            Flinch quietly kept listening to Charles who was continuing his conversation, “Did something happen in the past with you and your friends? We are sure now that your kids’ murders are linked to their parents’ past somehow”

“No, I don’t remember any specific thing and I had a lot of fellows in high school and I can’t remember all the names now. My son’s death is important to me right now than your assumptions and drama” Flinch denied everything.

“Ok tell us about Dylan, was he afraid of spiders or snakes?” Harry asked bluntly.

“Whaaat??? He was arachnophobic, phobia of spiders” Flinch replied annoyingly.

“What happened? Why are you so annoyed?” asked Harry.

“What does Dylan’s phobia had to do anything here??” Flinch responded in a high tone.

“You don’t want to talk about your past, your buddies, your son, what do you want to talk?” Jennifer got aggressive.

“I think he wants to talk about his business. So, Mr. Flinch what’s your business?” John jumped in the conversation.

“I…I have a shopping mall in the city” Flinch stammered.

“Oh sorry! We thought you have a drug business like your friends” Sara gave the final blow.

Flinch’s face suddenly turned pale and he started sweating.

“Should I speed up the AC for you?” Harry asked and put his gun on the table in front of Flinch.

            Flinch’s mind suddenly made up a plan and started executing it without thinking about the consequences. He immediately grabbed the gun from the table and aimed at Charles. Harry stepped back while John, Sara and Jennifer aimed at Flinch.

“No, put down your guns everyone. He can shoot me” Charles ordered as he had seen Harry’s wink.

“Ok so Mr. Flinch, tell us about your dirty business now” Harry asked teasingly while others were looking at the scene in shock because Charles was at Flinch’s aim.

“I’ll shoot him. Just let me go” Flinch threatened.

“Yeah, go on and kill him. He’s so annoying all the time and bossy as well” Harry said boldly.

“What are you saying Harry?” Sara asked the question everyone else had in their minds at the moment.

“Are you mad Harry? I’ll die here” Charles pretended to be scared.

“That’s what I want. I’m tired of your leadership. Flinch, just finish him already and then I’ll take you outside myself” Harry said annoyingly.

Jennifer came forward to stop Flinch but Harry stopped her. Everyone was shocked to see Harry’s behavior.

“I’m serious, I’ll shoot him” Flinch reconfirmed.

“You have my permission, just go on” Harry gave the confirmation.

            Flinch eventually pulled the trigger in confusion and tension. Nothing happened. The revolver was empty. Flinch dropped the revolver, Harry and Charles started smiling while everyone else took a sigh of relief. Then Harry said while handcuffing Flinch, “Mr. Flinch, you pulled the trigger on a police officer on CCTV camera, that’s more than enough to arrest you now I think”


Next Chapter >>> THE FINAL ACT
Previous Chapter >>> THE EVIL PLAN

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