“…….and George was handling the business in his absence” Tom responded.

“Thank you, Tom, for your help but what you’ve done can’t be ignored, so we’ll take you for further investigations according to the law” Harry told the decision. Tom was taken in police custody from the office.

“Harry, every murder is related to some drug business. Sophia suicided but I’m sure she must also be a part of it” Sara put her opinion.

“Well we’ll confirm that, I have called David and Jack in the evening. But before that I think we should find and protect our next victim” Harry replied seriously.

“Ok we have a red rubber ball and spider web as our clue for next victim. No one can be afraid of red rubber ball I think, so our next victim will most probably be afraid of spider web or just spiders” Sara linked the chains according to the death pattern.

“So, let’s go and check if we can find any spider phobic in the city” Harry decided before leaving the office.



            The bouquet of white lilies was present in John’s room in the hospital. John saw and asked Madam JJ about the sender.

“It’s for you and Charles both and there’s no name of the sender, only *It’s me* is written in the end” Madam JJ replied while smelling the flowers.

John’s mind suddenly clicked and he said instantly, “Get away from it madam, right now”

Madam JJ hopped back from the flowers as she felt fear and concern in John’s voice. “Why? What happened?” She asked.

“*It’s me* was written on the spider web at Julie’s murder. It’s from the killer. He was here. CCTV…check the CCTV cameras, who brought the flowers and don’t touch them, I’ll check myself” John said while trying to get up to check the flowers.

“Stay right where you are. There might be poison on the petals, I am calling the forensic team to check the flowers” Madam JJ strictly ordered John not to leave his bed while she called the forensic team and Harry to come to the hospital.

            Harry and Sara were checking the records for spider-phobic people in London. On getting the call, Harry sent Sara to the hospital and asked her to call him immediately if there’s any emergency as Madam JJ didn’t give him any hint of emergency. Sara reached the hospital where the forensic team was already checking the bouquet of white lilies in John’ room. Madam JJ and John explained the situation to Sara.

“But the flowers were on the car, so we have to check the CCTV footage of the parking then” Sara responded.

            Sara and Jennifer went to the security room to check for yesterday’s night CCTV footage of the parking area. They got the killer on screen, not a ghost this time, a human wearing black hoodie covering his head, with matching trousers, joggers and gloves. Also, a black mask was covering his face, only visible thing was eyes, small bluish green eyes. But what they saw next was the most shocking of all. After placing the flowers on the car, that person turned towards the CCTV camera and made some hand signs as saying something in sign language.

            Jennifer immediately called the office to send a sign language expert to the hospital as soon as possible. Meanwhile the forensic team cleared the bouquet as there was nothing on it except the fingerprints of Madam JJ who brought it in from the car. They have checked every single petal but there’s nothing suspicious. But then why the get well soon flowers from the murderer? It’s just not fitting in the whole scenario.


            On the other hand, Harry got two names for the spider-phobic persons in London and he sent police to secretly guard both of these houses especially during the night hours. This time Harry was sure that they would save the next target and catch the ghost as well.  As Sara was busy in the hospital, Harry had to investigate David and Jack alone in the office. So, the first one was David.

“David, I want every single truth you know this time” Harry started harshly.

“I told everything. What else do you want to know now?” David replied calmly.

“Oh, you told everything, then why can’t I remember you saying about your brother George working as a manager for Oliver in his drug business” Harry’s tone was rising.

“So, you know that now, what else do you want me to tell you” David was still calm.

Harry hammered the table, stood up and asked with frustration, “You won’t survive my anger. So just tell me about the connection between Edison, Oliver and Sophia and does the name Jack ring any bell?”

“How come I know that? Ask Edison himself or ask the other two. (acts like thinking) Jack, Jack, Jack, no it doesn’t ring any bell” David infuriated Harry even more.

“Stand up and just get out of here right now otherwise I won’t be responsible for my actions” Harry ordered while taking a deep breath. David gave a sarcastic smile and left.

The next one entering in the room was Jack who was walking with the help of stick. Harry drank a glass of water before starting,

“I don’t have any personal issue with you Jack. It was in the heat of moment when you shot Sara. But now just tell me about Sophia’s business and what’s her connection with Edison and Oliver?” Harry started politely.

“You’re the police officer. You can shoot anyone, I’m thankful you didn’t kill me. I don’t know and even if I know, I swear to God I won’t tell you and you can’t do anything about it. But let me add some more suspense, there’s a big thing going to happen within a week or two. Stop it if you can, otherwise, you’ll lose” Jack responded with sarcasm.

            Harry knew that his anger couldn’t help and Jack’s also right, he’s in police custody, anything happened to him could become a trouble for Harry himself, so Harry left the office with frustration.


Sign language expert saw the CCTV footage in the hospital. His answer shocked everyone in John’s room, “That person in the footage is saying *I am sorry* by making hand signs”


            The light in the dark room was ON and the person there was sitting on a chair, tears were running down the face.

 [Voice 2]       “Why are these tears now?”

[Voice 1]       “It’s nothing, something got in my eye”

[Voice 2]       “I don’t want this, just stop everything”

[Voice 1]       “It can’t be stopped now. it’s time to call the beast again”



 DECEMBER 30,2015


12:45 AM


          Another freezing night of December in the capital of United Kingdom. Christmas had gone but New Year was just around the corner, couple of days were left for a new year to begin. Excitement was in the air as it always had been at that time of the year. Everybody was in cozy beds relieving themselves from the intensity of cold outside except Zoey.

            Zoey, a young girl of 19, black in color just like her mother, jet black hair with matching eyes and dimple on her right cheek, had a title of *Black Swan* among her friends and even whole college knew her by that name. She was studying medicine and wanted to become just like her mother, Dr. Stella. Zoey was a remarkably intelligent student in the college as well. That night she was studying for her upcoming tests after the Christmas holidays. Dr. Stella had a night duty in the hospital that night and Zoey was alone at home, as she was her only child, and her husband had divorced him many years ago.

            Once again, the beast appeared on the street and started floating with the noise of different shoes but something was different this time, the beast’s head was covered with hood but some red curly hair were visible popping out from the hood above the ears. Cold and freezing wind was blowing but it seemed to have no effect either on the beast or his forward floating. It stopped and turned towards Stella’s home. The door was knocked, Zoey heard it and came downstairs to see who’s at the door at that time of night. While she was approaching the door, it knocked again. She stopped for a second because the light in the home blinked with the second knock. But still she moved towards the door with her heart beating abnormally fast.

            Zoey screamed with intense horror and fell on the ground just as she opened the door. The beast removed the hood from head for the first time and Zoey started shivering and sweating with fear. Red curly hair, big eyes protruding out of their orbits, chalky white skin, black heinous smile on face with edges reaching up to the ears, big white and pointed teeth, blood dripping from the eyes and a red rubber ball on the nose. Then it started moving towards Zoey who was now panting and trembling with the intensity of fear. She tried to get up but she slipped and fell again. She used her full courage to say, “Ssss……..Stay away”. Zoey’s legs suddenly froze and the clown came near her, sat down, pulled out a hat from the cloak and read an inaudible chant and took out another miniature clown from the hat and tossed it towards Zoey who was taking her last breaths. The next thing Zoey saw was a sharp blade from the hat which was unfortunately the last thing she saw in her life.

            There was nothing except Zoey’s cadaver and a spider web, with a split tongue attached on it, that could be read as….ME WHO?...


Next Chapter >>> KILLER'S APOLOGY

Previous Chapter >>> JENNIFER'S LOVE

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